Chapter 3. ..grudges

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Yes! I'm a grudge holder. It's really not easy for me to let go of people when I enjoyed their company. If you treated me wrong left me hung to dry I will be mad but if we talk it out it'll probably be different

A lot of people have done me wrong in my lifetime but nobody's perfect I can say that myself.

I do miss my old friends and I wish we could have a conversation about it because I have grudges. But like the old people say don't hold grudges you missing out on life & blessings.

I don't want that to happen

The reason why I'm so hard to be liked or work with is because I have a lot of things I need to work on. Anger issues I have because I never really had a hands on father I have a father but not so hands on!

When people are constantly apologizing for their actions like I used to do they have problems but it's some reasons behind those problems.

But now I don't say sorry until I mean it.

I have plenty of grudges on people for first impressions some for judgement of me but holding grudges isn't good so now I just let it go. The age 14 I've had way to many grudges.

But it'll change one day...

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