Drafts (2) [Reposted]

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Here's a few scenes I wrote about Nico, Will, and my O/C Lylah. Sorry the first one is really bad, I wrote it quickly and since I haven't written anything in a while, it was kinda like me remembering my writing style lol.

Lylah stood next to Will, hands on her hips. They were in the Hades Cabin, trying to wake Nico up in time for breakfast. Nothing was working so far and they were running out of ideas.

"This is nonsense." Lylah whispered. "Will, how are you not able to wake him up! You're his boyfriend, this should be easy!"

"I don't know! He's a heavy sleeper! What about you? You're his best friend, you've known him longer!"

"He must have been up all night again... but what could he have been doing..." She thought for a moment. "Will! Were you two doing the thing last night?!" She pointed accusingly.

"What!? N- No!" He stepped back.

She folded her arms, "Okay I believe you. But we still don't know what he was doing."

"Wait!" Will yelled. He walked over to the table by Nico's bed and pulled open the drawer, pulling out Nico's phone. (Leo had made monster proof phones by this time ahahaha yeah just go with it lol) "Maybe he was doing something on here?" He started to unlock the screen when he saw Nico had a pass code set up. "You wouldn't happen to know Nico's code would you?"

"Wait let me see." She took the phone from Will's hand and looked at the screen. It needed a four digit code. After a brief moment of thought, she entered 1932 into the phone. It didn't work. "Darn it! Will, what year were you born?"

"What? Why do you need to know?"

"I just tried the year Nico was born but it didn't work. So it must be your birth year instead."

"In that case, it's 1995."

She entered it. "Okay we're in!"

"You're making it sound like we're hacking his phone or something."

She ignored him and opened the recently used apps. "I knew it." She whispered.

"What? Knew what?" Again she ignored him and locked the phone. She set it on the table and walked over to where Nico was laying. She poked his cheek, just to see if he had woken up already. He hadn't.

"Nico! Ereri became canon!" Lylah yelled.

His eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly. "Did it really?!"

Lylah fell over laughing. She had one hand over her stomach and the other holding her hair out of her face. Nico caught on and flopped back down on the bed. Will on the other hand was confused, looking between the two.

Nico grabbed a pillow and threw it a Lylah. "Why am I even friends with you. That was a horrible thing to do."

"Aww Nico that's not nice."

"You're not nice. Oh, good morning Will." Nico smiled.

"Good morning, Love. Um, what's Ereri?"

Eh on to the next scene I wrote. This one will be a lot better XD

"I can't believe this." Lylah ran her hand through her hair, an annoyed expression painted on her face. "Nico seriously needs to fix his sleeping schedule."

She was with Will in the Hades cabin, once again out of ideas to wake Nico up.

"Can't we just do what you did last time?" Will questioned. She shook her head.

"He won't fall for the same thing twice." She sighed and picked up Nico's phone, typing Will's birth year. "No way he's getting smarter!"

"What do you mean?"

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