I'M NOT GAY (Rant; 12)

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So funny story my parents literally thing I'm gay now.

Alright alright alright let's start from the beginning, I joined GSA. I joined because my friend Hunter convinced me too. I think that's where it started lol

Then today I was watching a bunch of videos from this one lesbian YouTuber because Melanie was showing them to me. No big deal right? APPEARNTLY NOT.

So my dad borrows my laptop and ends up in the history, not because he was searching me or anything, he needed to find a page he was on. But anyway I guess he found the long string of gay videos I had been watching.

So anyway he gives me my laptop back and I'm sitting in my room practicing typing because I'm cool like that when my dad walks in and says he wants to talk. Now I'm going to quote this conversation exactly so be ready lol

"So I found some interesting videos in your history..."

*I thought he was talking about when I binge watched PewDiePie to catch up so I was trying to be cautious*

"What kind of videos..."

"Stuff like coming out to-"

"OH FUNNY STORY WITH THAT. Melanie sent me a video and I found others that looked interesting so I watched them too."

*He looked at me weird for a second so I looked him dead in the eye and literally said:*

"I'm not gay."

I can't remember the rest of the conversation but he calls my mom in after saying I'm bluffing and eventually she gets bored and leaves saying "you can come out when you're ready to tell the truth."

Like I am???

But anyway I guess today I learned that if I happened to be gay (which I'm not, I'm not gay) my parents would be cool with it so okay then lol

Anyway I'M NOT GAY

~SignificantAnnoyance ♡


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