2 | Be Careful What You Wish For

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Morning had come around, & the moon & stars had gone away to rest. Slowly, but surely, the sun peeked up over the horizon & stretched it's beams of light over the sleepy city below. One beam in particular shone through an open window & into the room of a snoozing brunette. That single ray of sunshine illuminated the various dust flecks that floated through the air. As the sun continued to rise, the arm of light reached out for the sleeping figure.

"Mm.." Groaned the brunette, quickly pulling the covers up to block out the sun. However, since the duvet was a creamy white, it was to no avail. Slowly, one eye peeked open to examine the rather messy bedroom.

'Ah.. This isn't Syungjo's house.. So where am I? I must still be dreaming.' Minha mused as she reached up to scratch her head. Once her lanky fingers reached her short hair-- wait, short?..

With wide eyes & a horrified expression, she slowly raised both hands to feel her fluffy locks. They no longer reached her shoulders, & was instead cut choppily & was swept messily across her forehead. After feeling the fluffy mop atop her head, she brought her hands down to feel her face. It was much more structured, but still very smooth. It felt like velvet. At an agonizing pace, as if she were afraid she'd see the fingers of some kinda alien, she pulled her hands away to look at them. They were much longer & her palms were considerably larger. At the sight, she about fainted.

"What is going on? I must be dreaming.. In a very vivid manner.." She thought aloud while swallowing down the thick lump in her throat. Even her voice was different; it sounded masculine, but slightly high pitched. Wait.. If she had changed upstairs, what about?..

At incredible speeds, the small figure crawled out from the bed & darted to the bathroom connected to the bedroom. On the way; however, she about tripped over a pair of pants that were not hers. Gripping the door frame & swinging her body around to face the mirror, she frantically flipped the lights on & awaited the horror.

There, in the mirror, stood a rather small boy with wide, panicked murky brown orbs. His plump, pink lips were agape in shock & horror. His perfect brows were furrowed together, & his fingers clenched the tabletop so hard his knuckles turned a ghostly white.

"Ah.. Minho?.."

Minha shrieked in surprise, but when it came from the boy's throat, she slightly stumbled back in disbelief. Gripping her chest, she leaned against the doorframe for support. She could hear her heart pounding loudly in her ears, her blood now pumping quickly through her veins.

"This isn't real.. This isn't real.." She kept murmuring to herself as she repeatedly pinched & bit her arm. When she finally accepted the fact that it wasn't a dream, she slowly slid down the doorframe & plopped gently onto the ground.

'If I'm in Minho's body.. Then Minho must be in my body?..' As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she turned even paler, if possible, than she already was. All the color drained from her face, & her limbs went limp.

"Yah.. Gods.. What have I done to deserve this? I didn't ask for this horrible nightmare." She paused, blinking a couple times. Images from last night flooded her head, & she began to piece the puzzle together.

"Minha, look!" Syungjo shook his friend's arm & pointed up at stars that danced across the sky. The girl's eyes fluttered open to look at what he was pointing at. A quiet gasp left her open lips, & she shifted her body so she was leaning forward on her knees.

"Jo, make a wish! But don't tell me, or else it won't come true." She winked, then closed her eyes once more to make her own wish. The brunette beside her smiled softly & slowly shut his eyes as well.

'I wish to share the same pain & happiness as the stars, & I mean our own version of stars. Let me experience their victories & trials for at least one day..'

"Pabo, pabo, pabo.. Why must the gods be so cruel?.." She mumbled monotonously to herself, repeatedly smacking her forehead. As she was too invested in punishing herself, she failed to hear the hurried footsteps that were approaching her bedroom. Suddenly, the door flung open to reveal an angel sent down from the heavens. The sunlight that now filled the room seemed to focus on that one person alone. It was none other than the amusing visual himself.

Kim Seokjin.

Minha, apparently Minho physically now, snapped her head up to meet the worried gaze of the eldest member. They shared a couple moments of silence before Jin finally spoke.

"Minho, goodness, are you alright? You about gave me a heart attack.." He mumbled gently, his voice as glorious as she had imagined it. Minha's tongue refused to let her reply, & instead tied itself in knots. She rambled out gibberish & finally, as if she couldn't embarrass herself further, reached up to rub the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Ah.. Um, if there's nothing wrong, I'm going to go back to bed. Next time, instead of screaming, just come get me if you need me." Jin said while observing Minho & the room carefully. Then, as if the gods hadn't had enough fun, they purposely decided to ruin her life with that damn sweet smile of his. Jin's teeth seemed to sparkle, then he slowly shut the door & disappeared.

Minha sat in complete silence, her eyes fixated on the ceiling. Her mouth was agape, & to her, she could almost feel her soul trying to escape.

'Am I living with the Bangtan Boys?..'

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A/N; & there's the second chapter! Minha has awoken in my little baby Minho's body. In her own mind, she's still a girl, but physically, she now gotta di-- I mean she's now a boy. ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ So, what's gonna happen in the next chapter? Only I know, kekeke. I'll be thinking about who makes an appearance next. Expect more soon!

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