3 | Getting used to the changes

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It had been around 30 minutes or so, & Minha had yet to pull herself off the ground. Her soul had by now already escaped her body, & she was simply a husk of the human she once was. Not only had she come to terms with changing bodies with Ah Minho, but she had come face to face with the angel himself, Kim Seokjin. The look upon her face screamed one thing, disbelief. She strongly doubted that this was real.

'It's just a vivid dream, Minha, so enjoy it while you can.' She kept reminding herself, her brow scrunched together in exasperation. Slowly, but surely, the small, lanky figure pushed off the ground & weakly waddled over to the drawers. Pulling them open, Minha was met with.. Nothing. There was nothing marvelous awaiting her. Glancing around in confusion, her murky brown orbs landed upon two big suitcases propped against the far wall.

"Ah.." She mumbled, dragging herself over to the beige bags & unzipping them. Now she was met with piles of neatly folded clothes. They were all name brand, mind you. Stussy, Nike, Adidas, all the essentials for your classic tumblr boy. Minha puffed air through her lips & grabbed a plain black shirt & a pair of ripped jeans.

However, remembering her current situation with the switched bodies, she slowly glanced down at herself. Swallowing thickly, she unzipped the other suitcase which revealed multiple pairs of socks, boxers & all the bathroom items you could think of. Reluctantly, Minha grabbed a pair of tightly fitting boxers, gagging loudly during the process. If it was even possible, Minha slipped out of her clothes at the speed of light to avoid the surprise downstairs.

Once fitted in her new clothes, Minha rose up off the floor & padded over to the nearest mirror. While examining herself, she couldn't help but feel her hair, face & chest like a curious puppy. All these features were foreign to her, & she was still getting used to how it all worked. She was in the body of Ah Minho, but harbored the conscience & soul of Park Minha. & now that she thought about it, she realized how similar their names & looks were!

"Humph.." Minha grunted, narrowing her eyes at the figure standing before her in the mirror. To see one last time if it wasn't a dream, Minha began to perform tricky hand movements before the mirror to see if her male counterpart would follow. Much to her disappointment, it followed her every move precisely. Groaning loudly in defeat, Minha spun away from the vanity & crossed her thin arms over her chest. Almost on cue, her stomach joined in on the symphony of distaste. That was one thing she couldn't deny, her ever growing hunger.

With one last glance at the mirror, Minha began to stalk to her door. Her fingers wrapped tightly around the cold, golden doorknob. Preparing herself for whatever lied beyond, Minha swung open the door & closed her eyes tightly. When she heard nothing but the faint rumble of the AC unit, she finally peeked open her orbs & flicked her gaze around. Not a soul was in the hallway with her. Some doors; however, were cracked. A couple socks lay crumpled up in the corners of the hall, & posters of past tours or family members were taped neatly to the walls. After she finished examining her surroundings, she took her first big step into the unknown.

Bare feet padded down the smooth hardwood floors, not a peep made. Almost like a sneaky child on a mission to snatch the last cookies, Minha tiptoed 'round the corner & peered about her. There was a large living room with piles of laundry on a blue couch. Other than that, everything was tidy besides the occasional empty can of soda. Well, the only question left was, where was everyone?

"What are you doing?"

The deep voice that seemed to echo all around her made her jump in surprise, a startled squeak leaving her lips. Immediately clearing her throat afterwards, Minha spun on her heel & about bumped into the chest of everyone's favorite leader, Kim Namjoon. Despite the deep, menacing voice, she was reassured by the friendly smile on his face. However, she quickly remember that this was BTS' own Rap Monster. Diverting her eyes away from the older male, she fixed her gaze on the floor.

"Ah.. I was just wondering where everyone was." Minha rambled out, not stumbling too much over her words this time. There was silence, then a soft, angelic chuckle followed. It was so.. Beautiful. It was much more than Minha could have ever imagined. She wanted to record it & use it on days she was feeling down. However, when Namjoon spoke, she was shaken from her happy daydreams.

"Well, it is 9 in the morning, kid. Not many people are up & dressed as quickly as you are." He smirked, leaning against the wall while staring down at the male before him. Minha, to cover up her nervousness, laughed a little too hard at his comment & rubbed her hands together.

"Y-Yeah! You're right! Silly me, I'll just make my way to the kitchen now." Minha said with a faulty eye smile. As she went to turn around, she felt a large hand clasp onto her shoulder. At that simple touch, the fan girl within couldn't stay calm any longer. A dark blush bloomed on Minha's pale cheeks & her eyes widened ever so slightly.

"Aish, kid, quit being so nervous around me. You're one of us, now. Let's go get some grub, I'm hungry! I'm sure my favorite cook has fixed something by now." Namjoon mused, obviously referring to his low key boyfriend, Seokjin. His arm was wrapped casually 'round Minha's shoulders, a small smile on his lips. Minha, unable to speak, nodded her head furiously & shuffled alongside Namjoon as they made their way to the kitchen. The intoxicating smell of freshly made pancakes & syrup tickled the pair's noses. They both licked their lips eagerly, & that was enough to send both barging into the kitchen. Much to Minha's dismay, there sat all of BTS at once. Taehyung, better known as V, sat with his hyung, Hoseok, or J-Hope. Jimin & Jungkook sat together shoveling down Jin's pancakes while the cook leaned against a counter sipping on some coffee. All of their focus was immediately put on Namjoon & Minha once they entered the room.

However.. One member was missing.

"Why do you all have to be so loud? I was planning on sleeping another hour.." A loud grumble came from behind Minha, which caused her to glance shyly over her shoulder. There stood a grumpy Yoongi, his hand running through his disheveled blonde locks. His eyebrows were scrunched together, & slowly his eyes raked the room until they landed on Minha. He didn't say anything, & instead brushed past her to take a seat towards the end of the table.

The was an uncomfortable silence in the room, the boys minding their own business without involving Minha. One boy was especially giving her the cold shoulder. The original maknae, Jungkook. He wouldn't even look at her. Minha harshly bit her lip, glancing around the kitchen then fixing her eyes on her feet.

"Is this anyway to treat our newest member?" Barked Namjoon, his hand resting on Minha's shoulder. "He worked hard to get here, so welcome him." Namjoon further lectured, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. The boys all glanced at each other hesitantly. Seokjin, who stood leant up against the counter with a coffee in hand, sighed ever so slightly. He knew it was going to start off like this.

"Well, if no one is going to step up, he can sit with us! I'll treat him good." Hoseok piped up, a goofy smile on his lips. Taehyung, who sat beside him, now nodded vigorously & smiled as well. Namjoon grunted & nudged Minha towards them then padded to Seokjin.

"Ah.. Thank you very much." Minha squeaked out, over doing her bow. She stayed like that for a while before Taehyung got up & reached across the table to grip her arm.

"Yah, no need to apologize. We're friends now." Taehyung explained, pulling Minha down into the seat across form them. She nodded, the faint smile on her lips slowly growing. This wasn't half bad..

"Again, thank you, opp- hyung!" Minha quickly corrected herself, which earned an odd glance from Hoseok & Taehyung both. They eventually ended up chuckling then went to eating.

This was going to take some getting used too..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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