Big family

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it's been a week since mom came back and told us we need to see family what I didn't not know was it was everyone little mix girls and all family one direction boys and all family pulse my mom and dad's family. I have three hours till we go to the "reunion" ok well lucky enough it's not a fancy thing cause I'm not a girly girl I hate dresses so ya "hey sissy" Miranda said walking In my room "hey little one what's up" I said "I'm not little and I'm just bored" Mir said "oh pardon me big girl what would you like to do?" I asked " Want to play hind and seek with Caleb and me?" Mir said "sure were is he?" I said "right here" Caleb said walking in behind Mir "ok well who's it" I said "you" they said and ran away how did I not see this coming


"Ready or not here I come" I said go to find them I found Caleb in the dryer and Mir in they hamper haha weirdos "kids come on we need to leave" mom said from down stairs. "Coming" we yell running down stairs to see mom and dad at the bottom waiting "ready to go?" dad/zayn asked "yep lets go" I said and we all left.

At the "reunion"

I have met so many people its sick how many people are here we are at the biggest place I have ever seen but of course I can't find my patents and its kinda scary I hope the twins are with them "attention everyone we are looking for Kelsey has anyone seen her?" oh ya I have that's me i recognize the voice as nialls but I have no idea were he is "she is right here" a man next to me yells and grand my hand leading me to niall once we get to him I take his hand and we go to my parents "oh kelsey we were so worried are you alright" mom and dad said "ya I'm ok just got lost in the crowed" I said they nodded "well its almost time to go so let's say goodbye to everyone" Perrie/mom said "hello everyone we are so happy to of met you all but we most be on our way" mom said in the microphone and a roar of goodbyes came and we left.


Well it was nice meeting everyone's family makes me feel like we are just one big family. "hey babe the kids are asleep" Zayn said walking down the stairs "what you thinking about?' zayn asked " huh, oh just how we feel like a huge family" I said "yay we are just like a big family" zayn said sitting next to me on the couch. "Hey did you ever give kelsey her birthday present seems we all forgot ever her" zayn said with a laugh "oh no I didn't" I said now I feel bad "dont feel bad she forgot and I did to" zayn said wow its like he's reading my mind "I'm not reading your Mind although it would be cool your just thinking out loud." zayn said "oh" I said well I guess I'm not good at thinking in my head haha ill have to give kelsey her present tomorrow. "come on let's go to sleep I'm tired" I said getting up with zayn and going to bed.

Adopted by "zerrie?" (Zayn and Perrie adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now