Lazy lion panda house: Tagged 4 times (Long)

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15 things about me. Read on your own risk because their is very private information in there. Maybe triggering to some people. At least for the first tag. Tagged by Xiuyeolhyun

1) I am 15 years old but wish to never grow up. Age 5 was my jam.

2) I'M SOOOOO BORING. Lol. I don't know. Maybe. I think I'm sassy or I would like to think that 😂

3) My first kpop group was Exo and that's why I love them so much. My first song/video was history! I was so I love with it! Especially the part were they put their hands in the pockets and make that weird movement!! Lol I don't know what to call it.

4) I am THE oldest. My life is a struggle and I wish I didn't have such annoying brothers ;-; Le cry. I love them but they are a pain in the butt.

5) I'm not very close to my family so when I go with them almost no one talks to me so I get sad. My cousins don't love me 😪

-Please don't feel pity for me for these next two-

6) In 6th grade I stood up for a my best friend that got back from the hospital a day ago because she was depressed. The thing is that for a stupid, stupid reason everyone was making her feel bad and sad for something that she couldn't control. The idiots were so childish that I had to stand up for her. Since she mad anger issues she was mad but she was mostly shaking and about to cry. He looked like she was going to have a panic attack and I was about to punch every single one of them because they still kept going even seeming in what state she was. The teacher wasn't there and we had a sub. She was so mean and rude that she did nothing and when I asked her if my best freind could go see the social worker she said no. Like wtf?! Do you not see how she is?! Seeing all this got me upset to so in the end when the teacher came back we went out to talk to the social worker. Me and my best friend finally cried and told her what happened. The thing is that after that everyone went to their next class and was glaring at us. After that my best friend moved and I was their target to bully. Sad story and I still see the people who did such horrible things to me. Most of it I have let go but there is one girl that still does that to me. I never told any of my friends because they usually didn't have classes than me and I finally opened up to them this yea about it.

7) I was almost raped so many times I can't remember now. And I don't think it's because I'm pretty or sh!t. That's not in my vocabulary. Anyways the persons who did it are in my family so when I see them my stomach drops and I can't help but want to leave. Good thing that I don't see them anymore. For now at least. One was my dad, another was my dad's brother, and last but not least, my uncle. They are sick people and I'm still trying to cope with it. I can only talk to them right now (over the phone) but usually text because that also scares me.

8) I was an accidental baby. My mom had me at 15 years old. She is now 30 and I'm 15. We look like sisters. Well we don't look alike but since many people don't imagine us being mother & daighter they say we are sisters.

9) When my mom had me she didn't realize her water broke until a few hours later. She was rushed to the hospital and I was hardly breathing. They said I positioned wrongly and sense there wasn't any hospitals near by they took her to the nearest that was 2 hours away. They did a c section and told her I was a miracle baby that was blessed from God because I hasn't died from all the blood loss and hours spend in her belly. I was work at around 2-3 pounds and stayed in the hospital for most of my first year.

10) I usually get nightmares about my family getting killed. It creeks me out and I always wake up when they are going to get killed. I wonder why tho.. It am,Es me sad that sometimes I can't fall asleep. It happens a lot that I sometimes expect one.

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