Chapter 8

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Prompt: Santana on the Ellen show talking about her family life.

Santana Lopez had been on Ellen DeGeneres once before, and that was four months before she had settled down to marry her beautiful wife and before she had welcomed her sweet little baby boy into her world.

But here she was, swaying her hips alongside Ellen and flashing the audience a smile as their applause filled the air followed by loud cat-calls from men and a few shouts of happiness from a row of teenaged girls.

"Wow, they really love you." Ellen beamed as she sat down, the crowd quieting as Santana took a seat across from the hostess with a nod and a bright smile. "It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?"

"It has." Santana agreed with a nod as she crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap before leaning back in her chair. "It’s been so long that I am now married and a mother to a two-year-old little boy."

Santana heard a round of coos come from the audience and she folded her brow in confusion before turning her head to follow their line of sight and found herself releasing the same noise as she stared at the photo on the big screen.

Apparently, Ellen had managed to get her hands on a photo of Dani and Oliver curled up on the couch sleeping; Santana remembered taking that picture exactly one month ago when both her wife and son had been sick.

"As cute as that picture is, the real life situation was a nightmare." Santana confessed causing the audience to release soft chuckles. "Both Dani and Oliver were sick with the flu, and I was two hours away from leaving for my tour."

"That doesn’t sound fun." Ellen agreed with a raise of her brow before she glanced to the screen again as the picture changed to the family of three standing surrounded by people wearing rainbow colors. "This looks like a much happier time!"

"It very much was, we were at the happiest place on Earth." Santana replied with a quick nod of her head as she turned her attention away from the picture to lock eyes with Ellen. "You know, the pride parade?"

Ellen released a cackle of laughter before steering the conversation into talk about her album, Santana picking up on the topic with a bright smile as she eagerly leaned forward in her chair to discuss the route her new singing style was taking.

The two bantered back and forth in between the conversation and the crowd ate it up with looks of excitement before Ellen announced a quick break giving Santana enough time to take a breath as she leaned back in her chair.

But just as quick as it began, it was over as Ellen welcomed her viewers back before introducing Santana with words that had the Latina blushing as she waved at the camera before flashing a quick wink.

"Okay, back on the topic of your home life." Ellen smiled as she turned her body to face Santana. "Dani is actually set to come on the show in about three weeks, so any embarrassing stories you have for us?"

"Actually, I brought in a wonderful video I took of my lovely wife about three days ago. She’s going to kill me for this, but it was too adorable not to share with you guys." Santana smirked as she looked to the audience.

Ellen looked to her MC and nodded her head before everyone’s attention turned to the screen where the sight of a wobbly camera appeared, static sounding from the speakers before Santana’s face appeared.

"Okay, so I may or may not have decided it’d be fun to hide Oliver’s favorite blanket." Santana whispered as she looked at the camera a small giggle slipping from her mouth. "Right now, Dani is looking around for it before Ollie gets up from his nap."

Santana turned the camera around and snuck into the living room where she zoomed into Dani who was frantically throwing things around as she grumbled to herself, her blonde locks mused and her lower lip pouted.

"What’cha looking for, babe?" Santana asked as she wondered into the room, propping herself on the arm of her couch as she subtly held the camera out of Dani’s view. "You look like you’ve lost something."

"San," Dani gasped as she turned to face her wife with a frantic expression on her face, her brown eyes widening at the sight of her wife. "I lost Oliver’s blanket and he’s going to be up from his nap soon. You have to help me find it!"

"I don’t know, D. Don’t you remember when you refused to help me find his binky when I lost it at Q and Rachel’s place?" Santana teased, zooming in on Dani’s face as the blonde’s jaw dropped and her eyebrows dipped.

"Santana Marie Lopez, he was an infant at the time!" Dani argued as she threw her hands up and huffed loudly. "You know what…screw you! I’ll find that blanket on my own with or without your stupid help. You doo-doo head."

"You are so adorable." Santana laughed before she turned the camera to show herself reaching behind the couch pulling out a ratty blue blanket that she held up in the air. "Are you looking for this ‘ol thing?"

"Yes!" Dani squealed as she leaped across the room and clutched at the fabric, holding it above her head with a delighted expression on her face before she suddenly scowled. "Wait a second, where did you get this?"

"Well…" Santana sang.

"Santana, I am going to kill you!"

The video cut off and Santana smiled brightly at the screen before turning her attention to Ellen who was looking at her with a smirk on her face before she chuckled lightly and shook her head, the audience slowing down their own laughter.

"You like to torture her, don’t you?" Ellen asked with a look of wonder on her face watching as Santana bobbed her head with a look of pride on her face. "I sincerely hope she comes on and shows us a video of her torturing you."

"The great thing about my wife is that she doesn’t know how to pull off pranks." Santana replied with a light shrug as she leaned back in her chair. "Try as she might, she has never been able to trick me."

"I hope you eat those words." Ellen shot back with a serious expression causing Santana to burst into a flow of laughter, the blonde woman chuckling before turning to look at the camera. "I plan to help Dani get her back, ladies and gentlemen."

The crowd erupted in loud cheers at her words causing her to laugh before she turned to face Santana who was leaning back in her chair with an amused expression on her face, the Latina rolling her eyes in response.

"So, what’s it like having a two-year-old? Are you guys dealing with the terrible twos yet?" Ellen asked as she perked an eyebrow and watching Santana wince slightly before she nodded her head. "Uh oh."

"He’s discovered a love for a certain word that I made up when I was in high school," Santana confessed with a soft chuckle and a shake of her head. "He loves to run around the house screaming wanky at the top of his lungs."

"Wanky?" Ellen repeated.

"Like I said, I made it up in high school." Santana defended as she held her hands up front of herself. "And one day when he was with me at the studio, I had said the word and ever since then it’s his favorite thing to say aside from mommy."

Ellen shook her head as she looked at the woman across from her before straightening out her form and titling her head slightly, “I take it he’s a mommy’s boy.”

"Are you kidding me? Yeah. He adores Dani." Santana nodded. "If it came down to it, he would choose her in a heartbeat. He has her completely wrapped around his finger. Seeing them together is so adorable, I love being with them."

"Well, congratulations on having such a wonderful family." Ellen said with a grin as Santana softly thanked her before the woman turned to the camera with another bright expression on her face. "That’s all the time we have."

"Aww!" Santana pouted.

"Check out Santana Lopez’s album, it drops next week!"

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