Chapter 57

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Prompt: I didn't like the way 'Trio' played I rewrote it.

A soft melody filled the spacious loft area, a hum accompanying the pluck of guitar strings before the tune turned sour as a loud knock broke through the comfortable atmosphere.

With a disappointed sigh, Dani set her guitar aside and stood from the couch before running a hand through her messy hair and moving towards the door. As much as she didn't want to deal with company, she quickly unlocked her door before pulling it open to reveal Rachel Berry standing on the other side.

“Rachel?” Dani frowned.

“They kicked me out.” Rachel said, her voice cracking slightly as she easily brushed past Dani before whirling around to face the confused woman. “Santana and I got into a fight, and they kicked me out of the loft.”

“Wait, you and Santana are fighting?” Dani asked as she closed the door, flipping the lock as she turned to face the frazzled brunette. “Well, is Santana okay? Do I need to go and see her?"

“Oh, I’m sure your precious girlfriend is just fine. I mean, she got Kurt in our split up so I’m sure they’re just having a good 'ol laugh in my expense.” Rachel huffed, folding her arms over her chest. “They’re gonna pay for this.”

“Rachel, calm down and take a breath,” Dani ordered with a soft, barely there chuckle as she crossed the room to scoop her guitar off the couch, setting it on its nearby stand. “Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

“Well, as you know, I was offered the part of Fanny on Funny Girl and things were going splendid. I was even offered the cover of a magazine!” Rachel exclaimed, her voice rising in pitch with every word. “But then your bitch of a girlfriend…”

“Hey, watch it!” Dani scolded with a scowl.

“I’m sorry, your…rude girlfriend, decided that she wanted to audition for the part as my understudy.” Rachel explained. “So, now she’s my understudy and she’s practically rubbing it in my face.”

Dani frowned lightly as she allowed Rachel’s words to sink in before she tilted her head and dropped onto her couch, “Okay, that all sucks but I’m not quite understanding why you’re here right now.”

“Well,” Rachel began, her tone softening as she crossed her arms over her chest before awkwardly clearing her throat. “I was hoping that you might consider letting me stay with you for awhile.”

Dani’s eyes widened as she stared at the shorter woman, her mouth opening and closing a few times as she tired to form a response before she felt a slight blush light up her cheeks as she stared at Rachel.

“Are you sure you really want to do that? Santana is here every other night, and I’m not going to ask my girlfriend to leave just because you’re staying with me.” Dani warned as she fidgeted on the couch.

“That’s perfectly fine. On nights when she’s here, I won’t be. Plain and simple.” Rachel declared before a beam took over her face, the woman bouncing happily. “Oh this is going to be so much fun. My new best gay!”

Dani forced a smile as a disbelieving laugh slipped from her, the blue-haired woman swallowing heavily as she watched Rachel shed her coat before the brunette began to eagerly explore her new home.

“Yeah.” Dani mumbled. “So much fun.”


“I just need a few things,” Rachel assured the shorter woman as she led Dani towards the loft door, the brunette hesitating a moment before raising her fist to knock against the metal. “I need my sheet music for rehearsal.”

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