Chapter three - Reunion

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15 minutes later saw them standing impatiently in the police waiting room. Leyla looks up and sees them and radios Lestrade informing him that they had arrived

DI Lestrade walked out front to greet them and said "Liz, Andrew this would be better if we could do this in private." The two parents looked at each other then the boys and told them to behave.

He leads them to an interview room (Separate from Y/N) and tells them to take a seat. Hendrick takes the lead and says " Thank you for coming down so quickly. We have a few questions to ask you. First off what colour were Y/Ns eyes?"

Liz immediately replied with "Y/E/C!"

Hendrick continues with "What is her full name?"

Andrew then says "Y/N Y/M/N Hemmings."

"Finally what exactly was on the birth certificate that went missing with her?"

The two parents look at each other and then list off what was on there.

Andrew then asks "Officer can I ask what is this for?"

Hendrick sighs "It is protocol, we found a young girl about 17 years old with this birth certificate on her person." Hands over the certificate and sees them gasp in surprise. "I believe her to be your missing daughter Y/N Hemmings but I had to do this before taking you to her."

Liz and Andrew stutter out if they could see her in which Hendrick says yes. He leads them to your current room and before entering tells them to be cautious as she is still a bit spooked. They edge open the door and you look up. Liz gasps as she can see a lot of Jack in her but appears to also have Luke's body posture. Hendrick crouched in front on her and whispers "Y/N this is Liz and Andrew Hemmings, they're your birth parents." Y/N stutters out a thank you as he helped her find her real family.

Y/N hesitantly walked up to the pair, then lunged forward and hugged them both. She starts crying and they also do too. They thought they'd never see their little girl again but now they have her back. Hendrick looks on at the scene happy that he was able to reunite this family.

Andrew pulls away slightly to say "let's go home Y/N yeah? Your brother's are waiting at front desk too. Would you like to meet them?" She smiles at them and nods.

When they get back to where the boys are, they are all on their phones - checking Facebook no doubt. Liz clears her throat and they all look up at her in surprise.

Luke asks "Who's that?" Trying to peer closer at the figure hiding behind his dad.

Andrew tells them that it is their sister Y/N who has finally been found.

The boys are crying slightly and all get up to hug her close.

Ben and Jack both don't want to let her go as they now make it their life mission to not let anything happen to their baby sis again.

Luke grabs her tight as she is the one he never really got to know and can't wait to find out more about her and tell her all on what she's been missing out on!!

Yes they all know that something terrible has happened to her but they will help her get past it and move on. They know she may be a bit broken. But who isn't?

They all got in the car to go home. Y/N surprises them all by saying quietly " I love you guys" The boys in the back hug her close while everyone else replies " We love you too Y/N!"

Maybe fixing her wouldn't be so hard after all.

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