I stood frozen looking into the eyes of my parents. I didn't know what to say or do, I never thought I'd see this day. I was stuck thinking until everyone walked away. Then I was alone, and cold, I sat on the ground and cried.
"Mmm" I awake to the blaring sound of my phone alarm. Six A.M. I better start getting ready for school. I turn over and click the dismiss button, I then rise out of bed and start towards the bathroom. I turned the shower on and reached into the closet for a towel and washrag.
Once my pajamas were off my body I stepped into the warm water. I squeezed a large amount of my mango scented soap onto my rag and began to wash my body, the sweet sent of a tropical island soon surrounded me. Exiting the shower I felt the cool breeze from the rest of the room. I dried off, got dressed and brushed my teeth. I said goodbye to my mom as I skipped breakfast because of my early lunch. I stood outside my house and waited for the school bus.
The bus arrived as the bell to enter school rang, I went upstairs to my locker and then to class; I didn't have time for all the petty high-school drama. The 40 minutes of my first classes went by so slow: choir, Spanish, art, and English. I just wanted to go to lunch.
Finally the bell rang. I got out of my seat and rushed out the class, going to my locker and meeting my friends in lunch. We started talking, then our science teacher walked by and we all watched him. He was perfect: blond hair, blue eyes, a goatee, arguably a Van Dyke, his buff body hidden behind the dress shirt and tie he wore. "God he's so hot." I said. My friends nodding in agreement "Too bad we're all still in school," Abigail said "because I'd like a piece of that." "TOO BAD we're black." Jordan added bluntly. I looked at her and asked "So what?" "He wouldn't want any of us anyway" "Oh shut up Jordan, that doesn't mean anything." I rolled my eyes I said this and it got the message across.
He walked out of the cafeteria minutes before the bell rang. Two more classes until I can see him I thought to myself.... geometry, gym... finally biology. I walked into the room smiled and said hi, he returned the smile and said hey. I was the first one in class so we talked until everyone was in class. The class went faster than the others. The bell rang and Mr. Roberts asked me and four other kids to stay after. He gave us each a permission slip and told us he was taking the top 5 students students in all his classes on a trip.
As soon as I got home I gave my mom the permission slip and she read it out loud:
"Dear Parents, Your child has been selected as one of the top twenty students out of my classes. I would like to take the students on an all expense paid 7 day 8 night trip to a college dedicated to biology. Here the students will deepen their education in this science. However this college is not close by so I need your absolute consent before the trip. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony Roberts"
She looked up at me and asked if I wanted to go. I nodded. She asked who else was going and I told her every single person, the ones she trusted first. She said okay and signed the slip. I hugged her and said thank you.

Stranded With My Teacher
Teen FictionAnna has always had a crush on her teacher Mr. Roberts but what effect will it have later on down the road?