chapter 5

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Friday 7:30 am

~ announcement ~

all students attending the biology college trip report to the main entrance

Mr Roberts took attendance and we all got on the bus. I was the last student to get on the bus and all the seats were full so I was forced to sit with him. He took attendance again and I looked out the window. We drove for awhile with an awkward silence between us, even above the noise of everyone else. "Anna" he called me. I ignored him, I couldn't look him in the eyes after what he did to me.

My phone buzzed I looked down at it

Mr. Roberts: look at me read across my notification bar, I turned my head. He looked around and apologized. My phone vibrated again. Mr. Roberts: look last week was a mistake I'm so sorry I had a girlfriend at the time and I couldn't control myself....I was in denial, I realized its you I want, I left her. I know I hurt you just give me another change please I won't mistreat you... it's you I want... I need you.

I looked at him and saw the pain in his eyes, I knew he was serious. I smiled and told him he was forgiven. He smiled as we reached the airport.

After we went through security, we found out the plane had issues and not everyone could ride. After Anthony and the other chaperone discussed the issue, they decided that Anthony and the last student on the attendance list would fly on the smaller plane. Once again attendance was taken name after name after name, and then finally me. Mr. Roberts said that I would be riding on the smaller plane with him and directed me to our gate.

On our way to the gate Anthony couldn't stop telling me how happy he was he got to ride with me. I couldn't help but giggle, he was so cute when he was pumped up. We got to our gate, handed the attendant our tickets and boarded. Anthony told me we would be arriving late while everyone was sleeping already because this plane had to make 2 stops before we could drive to the college.

The pilot made an announcement and said we were about to take off. I put my seat belt on, pressed back on the headrest and closed my eyes. I heard Anthony chuckle as he grabbed my hand and held it. The plane takes off and I smile to myself.

Anthony's POV

I kissed Anna's  forehead as she opened up her eyes, she smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. We both looked out the window at the beautiful ocean scenery below, but then there was a bump. Then there was another, and another, and the ocean seemed to be getting closer and closer. The pilot made an announcement telling the passengers that the plane was going down and to prepare for impact. Anna looked at me with pure fear, I held her tight and tried to comfort her the best I could.

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