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I got home at 4:10 and decided to take a nap, within minutes of putting my head on the pillow I fell asleep. I woke up at 7:05 with my phone notifications full. I unlocked my phone to see 4 missed calls and numerous texts.


Mr. Roberts

hey did you make it home safe?


Mr. Roberts



Mr. Roberts

You usually answer fast are you okay?

~missed call~


~missed call~

Mom Going out be back tonight, your brothers are out, coming back tomorrow


Mr. Roberts I'm getting really worried

~missed call~


Mr. Roberts

I'm sorry, call me? please?


~missed call~

Mom forgot to tell you dinner is ready, just heat it up


Mr. Roberts

I'm really sorry...please

Just as I was about to reply back to him my phone starts buzzing and I answer it without looking. "hello?" My voice is low and sounds worn out. "Anna! Are you okay?" I hear a slight panic in their voice "Yeah," I sigh "I was just asleep..." I trail off "oh okay, I'm really sorry..." "for what?" "kissing you....the messages," I stop and think but get cut off "Anna?" "um don't apologize....i---" "No Anna! You don't understand!" He suddenly starts screaming at me. "This is wrong we shouldn't even be this far, just taking your number was a mistake!"

With that being said he hung up. I was so confused I didn't know what to think. I put my knees up to my chest and started to cry.

All week at school he ignored me. But today was Friday... the day we leave for the trip.....

Stranded With My TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now