2nd story

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Just like most of the nights I once again lay on my bed - wide awake pondering over the same old question over and over again. What should I do?
I can't read a book since I'm currently out of new ones. I could roam the Internets... for new books. On the other hand I might still have homework to do and if my brain isn't too cloudy I can go through some school work from any of the subjects that I still haven't learned enough for... Although let's face it I'm not in the mood. So it is homework ... a lazy smile appeared on my face. Whom am I kidding I already did the most important ones and I sure as hell can do the rest in the five minute breaks plus social media sounds far more entertaining.
While these thought trailed through my mind I stood up and tiptoeing up and down my room hoping I wouldn't wake my parents up in the process.
After solving my nightly problem once again I set my laptop on my bed crawled under my blanket and turned it on. Three minutes into scrolling through the Internet I heard loud voices from outside bawling incoherently things making it impossible for me to cut the noise off. After about ten more minutes my curiosity got the better of me so I stood up and looked out of my window only to see two guys. One sat in the middle of the pavement giggling while the other guy tried helping him up in a peculiar fashion. After watching them banter for a bit I opened my window and with a calm and commanding voice explained that there is something called noice pollution meaning, I would like them to stop or in case that is impossible continue - whatever it might be - in front of someone else's window if possible. To my dismay the sitting guy looked up with an amused smile plastered on his face and pointed out that I should "Calm my t*ts" cause they were about to go anyways. Kind of annoyed I retorted "Leave my t*ts out of this blockhead and for your information when it takes you half an hour to move your a** off the pavement you clearly misunderstood the concept of "about to go away". A curt "Chill missy" was all he groaned. I was about to reply when I noticed how out of character this was. I don't just start a quarrel out of nowhere scratch that I deliberately avoid any kind of argument. I knew that a puzzled expression became apparent on my face. Mainly because the standing bloke that pulled on the other ones arms looked at me with a crooked smile. If this didn't tell me that my lake of sleep started taking effect again I wouldn't know ehat else could. Since it has always first shown on my mood.
Nice closing the window and acting like this never happened is no option now. At least if I don't want to come over as a total prude and at the same time make a laughing stock of myself... Once again. I inwardly rolled my eyes. What's wrong with this situation.
"Yo," the silent one now started "instead of wasting your energy on arguing about bull how 'bout u help me get this drunkard to get on his feed?" A fairly unexpected retort. "What on earth makes you think I would want to help two strangers in the middle of the night, do I look like I'm bored to death?" I half jokingly asked. "Ooouuuriight let's not argue anymore guys it's cool I'm not that drunk I'll just_" saying so he tried to stand up and fell into the bushes and started gaging "guuuuys why is the ground so shaky I'm telling u it's the earthquakes but this is nothing just gimme a sec" shaking his head the sober friend tried pulling him up again. "Don't u dare puke into the garden I'll chop of your head and sell your origins on the blackmarket" I heared myself wispershouting "I seriously need help he's hard to manage in this state and whether u belive it or not I too got better things to do than this. His commentary might be unbarable right now but with some practice you should be able to ignore them just fine. I don't want to waste money on a taxi for him. Plus the sooner we can get going the less likely it is for him to barf into your garden" But in my assessment a stink free garden just couldn't undo the scolding I was sure to receive as soon as my parends got wind of me walking arond with two random dudes in the middle of the night. "Yeah nah, I don't feel like it, you know what? I changed my mind you can vomit in here, you can be loud, you might as well start camping here, just leave me out of it" Closing my window the drunk slur resonated through the air "missssssyyyyy don't go let's have fuuuun" accompanied by another very upset voice "Dont you know shame, making such a racket? I'll call the police if this isn't going to stop!" and a soft "Sorry ma'am"
I had to snicker. Now they did it not my parents but the old lady next door got woken up. I took another peek outside to find out that they where still struggling albeit without the racket.
I looked back to my bed with a slight glow coming from under my duvet. For some reason surfing the webs just didn't appeal to me anymore. Wasn't I just looking for something to entertain me? Maybe this wasn't too bad after all. They clearly don't come across very threatening when taking one step forward takes ten minutes followed by half a step back. Plus the internets don't go nowhere.
So on a spur-of-the-moment decision I went to the storage room for a bucked, grabbed my keys and a cap, tiptoes the stains down, slipped into my shoes, took my jacked from the hanger and stepped outside.
As expected to two of them sat on the pavement one searching for an uber on his phone. "So why did u let him get this drunk if u knew that he'd get like this?" I asked from behind their back while squatting down. "F**k I almost sh*t my pants! Why would u creep up to me like that?" mister searching-for-a-ride asked with a 'very polite' tone of course. "who should calm they t**s now, hm? Just kidding. Anyways I can help. It's not like you'll find a ride this short notice and at a time like this to boot. So where are we going? I hope it's not too far" for a short second I must have forgotten about our drunkard because from my left side an upper body fell on my lap "Missy you are kind" he said. Without realizing how much the whole interaction scared me.
From my right I heard a "Take it as compensation, u scared me, he scared you. We're even." With an outstretched hand "My names is Tedd and that's my brother Tony by the way." "Tedd? Like Tedd Bundy? My condolences. But first we should really get moving or the lady from just now might really call the cops on us."
That being said we got up, heaved Toby up from his left and right, flung each one of his arms around Tedd's and my shoulders and staggered down the street.

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