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A bright light filled your vision and you awoke with a start, coughing as you struggled to get air into your lungs. You could make out the other pod across from you, the woman laying inside.


You banged against the window of the cryopod, pressing yourself against the back of it as it slowly opened. You held onto the handle as you got out. You cautiously took a step forward, immediately falling and landing on your knees. I'm not used to standing and walking yet... Who knows how long I've been in there!

Your breathing was jagged and forced. Your throat was aching with pain. You stood up, finding good balance and staying there for a moment. Shivering, you quickly went over to the woman's pod, trying to activate it so it could open. It didn't work.

"Why would Vault-Tec do this...?" You wondered aloud, clenching your fists. You were confused, angry, scared...and worried. Worried about your life.

You spotted a small control panel to the left of the pod. You switched the lever, watching the door open. The woman's head was rested against her shoulder, her eyes frozen shut and forever closed. You noticed she had a wedding ring and you took it with care.

It didn't seem fair that she had to die and her son gets taken away from her. You made the choice to get her son. "Don't worry, ma'am," you told her, peering at the ring. "I'll find your child and give this to him. I'll find who did this, I promise."

You tried to open the other pods, but the computer kept saying there was a malfunction. That's when you noticed the one next to you was open.

"Oh my gosh... I'm not alone!" You prayed that they got out close to when you did. You didn't like being in creepy situations by yourself.

You were about to leave the cryopod room, but a small, computer-like object attached to the wall caught your eye before you did. You quickly went up to it, accessing it. Three options were on the screen.

[Cryogenic Array]
[Life Support]
[Pod Occupant Status]

You chose the Life Support option, your breath hitching as you read the words on the screen.

Life Support: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.

That means... All these people are dead! You exited the terminal and practically ran to the door. I don't want to be here any longer than I should be, you thought, opening the sliding door and going into the hallway. You ran to the door where the exit to the Vault was. You tried opening it, but to no avail.

"Malfunction in emergency door override," the robotic female voice said.

"Shit," you cursed, looking at the door you passed. You sighed, and opened it.

You went down a few stairs that led into another hallway. You were still looking out for that one person who got out of their cryopod. You peered around the corner, seeing nobody. What you did notice, however, was a window with what looked to be a giant cockroach on it.

You gasped and blinked, seeing it was gone as soon as you saw it. You ran over to the window, seeing more of the giant bugs.

"What the hell are those?"

They made odd chirping noises as they walked along the floor. You shuddered. Ugh... And I thought regular bugs were bad... You looked down and saw a baton laying on a steel container. You grabbed it, twirling it around.

"It's not much, but it's better than my hands," you declared, turning around and walking over to a small room next to a door. You rummaged through the cabinets, only finding cigarettes and a few bobby pins. You shrugged and left them.

You went over to the desk, seeing a large syringe-looking thing next to a terminal. You picked it up, observing it. Hmm... It has some kinda liquid in it...

You pocketed it, figuring it might by helpful later even though you had no clue what it was. It did have the word 'STIMPAK' on its side, small and kind of hard to make out. You guessed it was for healing and focuses your attention on the terminal. (I'm pretty sure it doesn't say Stimpak on it, but you can't magically see what an object/creature is like your character in F4. So I just settled for that.)

It had a few journal logs in it which caught your eye. You clicked on the last one, reading it thoroughly. So... They were running short on food and hadn't been given the 'all clear' from Vault-Tec so they could get out...

Your thoughts were cut off as a loud yell echoed down the hall, surprising you. "What the-" You were again interrupted as a deep voice shouted, "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!"

You sprinted out of the security room and opened the sliding door. You ran into a semi-dark hallway which smelled awful. You ignored it and turned the corner, opening yet another door and entering a room. A man was in the middle of it, currently trying to kick off one of the large cockroaches on his leg. Another one jumped on his back, so you decided to step in and help.

You ran to the man, hitting the roach on his back first. He let out a yelp of surprise, probably not expecting you to jump out like that. You swung the baton again, aiming for the one on his leg. It died with a crunching noise, a slimy substance splattering on your arm. You gagged and wiped it off on the wall.

You turned towards the man who was wiping off his leg. "Thanks," he breathed out, looking at you. Your breath hitched when his head turned to you, the light on the ceiling illuminated his face, revealing the person you just saved to be Mark himself.


Yay, another chapter done! I dunno how long I can keep up the chapter length, but I'll try my best to make them 700 words or more. I had to start a whole new game just to write this story XD I don't care though, Fallout 4 is an amazing game and I was exited to play a new game with new possibilities. Hope you liked the chapter!






Stuck in Fallout 4 (Markiplier x Reader) *DISCONTINUED, READ MY BIO TO KNOW WHY*Where stories live. Discover now