2... (the life changing commercial)

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"LARRY! DONOVAN! MASON! GET OVER HERE!" shouted Ruth's mom. Many groans could be heard from across the house as Ruth's lazy brother's struggled out of bed.

"Mom, I'm sleeping." moaned Donny, but Ruth's mom gave no exception. "I SAID GET! YOUR! BUTTS! OVER! HERE!" That fully awoke all three boys and sent them flying out of their beds. Anybody with half a brain would know not to mess with their mama.

As soon as the brothers came to a halt at the bathroom door, all three of them stopped in shock.

"Any of you did this?" Mama put her hands on her hips, pointed to red hot, crying Ruth, and scanned all of the boys for any signs of guilt. Then Larry burst out, "Oh geese! I guess Ruthie can get even uglier!" Ruth marched over to Larry and slapped him on the cheek. "SHUT UP YOU BUTT!" Donovan joined Larry in laughing, but five year old Mason stood still with wide, trembling eyes.

"Mason!" yelled Mama. "Did You cut off your sister's hair!?" Mason started crying. "Did you do it Mason?" Poor Mason tried to make a run for it, but mama grabbed his collar and dragged him back into the bathroom. "BAD Mason! How would you like it if somebody came into your room while you were sleeping and cut your hair?!" Mama took Mason out of the room to have a talk, or in mama's language, a spanking, while Their Dad screamed at Larry and Donny to stop making fun of their little sister.

Ruth's parents sympathized with Ruth and allowed her to stay home from 5th grade that friday. She spent the whole morning sulking under her covers and researching wigs. Not to Ruth's surprise, all the wigs cost almost a fortune. She would have to save up for over a year, and by then, her curls would be restored. Ruth probably could have made some deal with her parents, but she knew that the wigs were no replacement for her luscious locks. She wanted her own hair, but that had been cut off by her brother. All of the thinking had stressed out Ruth, so she decided she needed a break, and headed downstairs to watch some TV.

Unfortunately, there was no show that interested Ruth, but something to get her mind off of her hair was better than nothing, so she sat down and watched the news. To Ruth's dismay, they were talking about a new 3-story hair salon that had just opened in some city, so that did not help with her mood. Luckily, soon came the commercials. Ruth never payed attention to commercials, but right away, one caught her attention.

On the screen, a man with black hair and black eyes said, "Are you suffering from hair loss? Or you got a bad haircut, and waiting for it to regrow seem's like it will take forever?" Ruth sat straight up in her seat.

"Yes! Why...Yes I do!" she shouted.

"Well Anupam's Cures shop in Downtown has that cure, and many more cures that will change your life."

Ruth clung on to every word the man said.

"I'm Bahadur Anupam, and hope to see you at my shop. Call 8100-645-9031 for more information."

"YES! You can count on me, Babladder! I will BE at your shop!" Said Ruth enthusiastically, giving Bahadur a standing ovation. Maybe Ruth wouldn't have to buy a wig after all.

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