5... (Double cures)

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The rest of the ride to the store went pretty smoothly for Ruth. It took her over a half an hour to finally make it to the shop after biking over many exhausting hills. The only trouble she ran into was when she accidentally took a wrong turn, and it took her fifteen minutes to find her way back onto the right road, but other than that, most of the ride was enjoyable in the warm spring weather. The whole bike ride she was thinking about the gang and wondering if all of the myths she had heard about them were true.

Ruth finally pulled up on her bike at the shop and parked it in the grass. The pictures she had found online of the shop were very unflattering, but in real life, it looked five-times worse. From the outside, Ruth could see that the shingles were falling off of the roof and wood boards were stapled on top. The ugly green siding was faded and everything metal on the property was rusted. When Ruth opened up the door to the store, she thought it was going to fall off of the hinges.

"Bahie!" Shout-whispered a voice across the shop as Ruth entered, "We've got a customer!" An excited squeal-like noise came from the back of the shop and somebody quickly ran into the back room. The lady at the front desk rushed over to Ruth with a huge smile and opened her arms in the air like she was greeting a long lost friend. "Hello! Hello! Come on in little one!" Ruth smiled hesitantly as the woman put her hand on Ruth's back and led her through the isles. "My name is Prisha! What is your's?

"Umm I'm Ruth," Ruth said awkwardly.

"Now! What have you come here for today, cutiepie?" Prisha asked. She had a heavy Indian accent like Bahadur had on the commercial.

"Well I saw a commercial and I was wondering if you have any of that hair-regrowing stuff?"

The Lady looked down at the girl, and gestured at her hair. "Why would you need that? You have such beutif--" Ruth took off her cap.

"Oh," said Prisha, "Okay... on further inspection, yes, the hair stuff is over here somewhere." Prisha took Ruth over to an isle in the center of the small store and started searching.

"Hmmm. We have our hair dye... the eye bag remover..." the lady said to herself, "...Oh!" she said loudly, making Ruth jump, "Here it is!" The hair regrowth stuff was in a brown glass bottle that had ten white pills inside. According to the label they were homemade and the pills also supplied vitamins.

"What a lucky girl you are!" Said smiley Prisha, handing the bottle to Ruth, "The first person ever to try my pills!" Even I've never tried them!"

Ruth faked a smile. "Oh... wow, that's great." Ruth was definitely not psyched to be the first person to see if they worked. She just hoped they didn't have food poisoning.

Suddenly the back room door swung open and and a man jumped out. "HELLO EVERYONE! WELCOME TO ANUPAM'S!" He was dressed in ancient-looking clothing and was so loud, he made the store shake. Ruth just stared at him with her eyes wide open. Five seconds later, The man looked around to see nobody but Ruth was there. He scratched his head.

"Prish, where are all of the people?" He said, confused. Prisha slapped her hand to her forehead and shook her head. "Who said there would be more than one person?"


"No. You idiot, it's just Ruth the girl here!"

"Well you said there would be people--plural people." He complained.

"No, I said customer with no S, Bahadur!

"Prisha! I heard you say customerSSS! Not plurOOLE but plural!"

"What are you saying? PlurOOLE? You mean Singular?"

"No such thing as singular! It PlurOOLE!"

"NO! NO! NO! PlurOOLE not a word! Singular is what you mean! Like fool- singular, and fools- plural!

    "You're a fool!" Yelled Bahadur

    "Well you're the one who left the chicken in the car for a month! And you calling me a fool?

    "I told you already! It wasn't my fault you locked the car!"

    "Well Tina borrowed the keys that night!"

    "Tina's a FOOL!"

    "I say Aaban's a fool!"

    "WHATTT!? But the dolphins were only died because they were hit by somebody else's motors!

    "Well Aaban didn't have to shoot them!"

The arguing went on like that for the next minute. Ruth stood there, eyeing the couple. As they fought, they're accents grew heavier and heavier until they were completely speaking Hindi.

    "Um... hey." finally said Ruth. Bahadur and Prisha looked down, realising that Ruth was right there. Unfortunately, that just made Ruth apart of the argument.

"Oh! Ruth," Prisha said. Ruth was expecting an apology, but instead Bahadur asked for her opinion on who was right. "Okay tell my insane wife that paper is made from the leaves of trees."

"Umm..." said Ruth.

"Yeah she said it, Bahie! It comes from the bark!" Prisha yelled.

"She never said anything, Prish! And she knows it comes from leaves."

"Well she was about to say I was right weren't you, Ruth!"

"Of course she was not!"

They both looked at Ruth and crossed their arms. Ruth looked to Prisha, then to Bahadur, and raised her eyebrows. She felt like she was in the musical Annie when MissHannigan and Grace were fighting over her.

"Well, paper comes from the wood and... sorry, I should go. " Ruth said, putting the jar back on the shelf. The two watched in shock as their first and only customer in two days went to leave the shop. Prisha and Bahadur looked at each other.

"Ruth! Wait, I'm sorry!" Pleaded Bahadur. Ruth turned around, sure that she would never come back to this crazy place again.

"We were just caught up, and we haven't had a customer in days. I'll give you the hair growth pills 20% off and facial hair removal for only a dollar!" Prisha pleaded.

"Ummm..." Ruth had her mind set on leaving, but then she realized that she had came all this way and if she left it would be all for nothing.

"Fine..." Ruth said, turning around. Prisha and Bahadur did a weird little happy dance then handed Ruth the jar of hair growth pills and facial hair remover strips.

"And umm... why would I need facial hair removal stuff?" Ruth asked

"Well I thought you could use it for your sideburns." Prisha said. Ruth wiped her face and realized that the eyebrow makeup was smeared on her cheeks.

"Actually that's just makeup. I was trying to cover up the holes in my eyebrows."

Suddenly, Prisha's face lit up. "I have the perfect treatment!" Prisha ran into the back room and came out a minute later with a small plastic container with gel and a brush inside. First you must shave your eyebrows, then every night apply this to the eyebrow area for the next five days. It doesn't matter if you get the gel outside of the eyebrow, but in two weeks, your eyebrows will regrow and be looking like new!"

Ruth payed Prisha then headed out the door. Consider that a successful trip!

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