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So I've been tagged by @ElasticHeart1989 to complete this challenge, hence shall be the following:

1: I cannot leave my home without my cell phone and my hand cream, my lip balm and my pack of tissues.
2: I'm naturally beautiful hence I don't apply makeup. (And I use a faceclaim so don't think I'm lying or some dross)
3: Water lilies and sunshine plumeria are just so beautiful. 4: I always shop at Woolworths or Edgars.
5: I use Arabian perfume or musky scents.
6: Heels kill my feet so I prefer flats.
7: Hahah! I'm not those students who get a 100% in all their subjects but yes, I'm brilliant and can surpass those geniuses at times.
8: Midnight black, ocean blue-green, and a blend of silver-gray.
9: Not really!
10: Yep! I prefer home made juices tho.
11: Yes, I enjoy swimming on the condition that the water temperature is warm, even if its a 40 degrees day.
12: Oh no, I eat fries with my toes. Jk
13: Oh So Heavenly
14: Whenever God decides.
15: Oh yes! All the damn time. I have anger issues so... anything or anyone could aggravate my anger in a matter of seconds despite the ambience.
16: W-what?!
17: 97 lol!!!
18: No! That's just... no, ew.
19: Couple of times and I'm not in the mood to mention.
20: It depends on my mood. I prefer tea over coffee. My day is void without a morning mug of tea.

Yaaaas I'm done!! Not in the mood to tag anyone. Have a great day.

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