Chapter 1

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I stared at the guy standing two steps away from me in his full six feet some inches glory - which I assumed was two inches. A black suit paired with a white shirt and a black tie covered his broad body along with those black dress boots. This man must really love the color black because from his hair to the black shades, resting on his face, to his black suit and his shoes, it said it all. Other than his white shirt, Ivory skin, pink lips, and whatever the color his eyes were - which I believe were also black - the black color wrapped him up like he had it custom-made for him, and him only and it was a shame that how well it fitted him.

But again, how the hell I ended up in this unfortunate moment? How the hell I ended up in front of him whom I was this close to punching? And why in the fucking hell was he smirking at me like that?

Eight hours ago...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The sounds of the waves crashing nearby and the feeling of the cool summer breeze on my skin made me smile. Every muscle in my body relaxed as I sighed enjoying the loneliness that engulfed me. This was what it means to be at peace. No annoying sounds of people yelling, no bleeding sounds of cars honking, and no presence of a single human around me. I love it here.

I was enjoying this beauty of nature and my little haven when suddenly an annoying sound started ringing against my ear. The sound of something beeping took over the musical sound of nature as it continued to get louder and louder until it became the only thing I could hear. I winced as everything went black and all I could hear was the beep, beep, beep, beep.

I groaned and covered my ears with my pillow trying to lessen the annoying frequency of this sound by a few hertz but to no avail. Again, why did I choose this shitty sound instead of the new hit pop song to wake me up? Ah! Right! Because it was annoying as fuck and hence a great tool to wake you up.

All I wanted at this time was to smash this alarm clock with a hammer and continue to have my beauty sleep and return to my relaxing dream. I reached my hand to my side table in search of my alarm clock while my eyes were still closed. My hand touched the small wooden stand of my alarm clock and as I was going to snooze it, it stopped. Finally! I moaned and curled myself into a ball under my blanket.

My dreams! Here I come again...

Smiling, I drifted back into my precious sleep but the very next moment, that annoying alarm goes off again, bleeding my ears once again with its beeping. I swear! This beeping was so fucking annoying.

"Uhhhh... What the hell!" Cursing in my half-sleep, I turned over and peeked at my alarm clock with one eye shut.

"Shit!" My eyes bulged out of my sockets as I looked at the time. "It's almost eight? You must be kidding me!" This is not good! I hurriedly wriggled out of my blanket and as I was going to step on the floor to run towards my bathroom, my foot got stuck in my damn bed sheet, tripping me and causing me to fall. My messy hair fell in front of my face and a wave of pain went through my body as my body made contact with the cold tiles of the floor. "What the hell!" I winced, rubbing my knee.

Today would be a bad day, I could feel it in my gut. In my twenty-three years of existence on this planet earth, my every - once a month - bad morning had always led me to a bad day. Like last month, I got into a fight with our customer and then a month before that, I almost set my apartment on fire and things like these went on. Sometimes I wondered, was I cursed when I was a baby? Because this definitely seemed the case.

I contemplated if I should take a day off and rest and maybe this way, I could avoid whatever bad the coming day was holding for me. But I already took my leave for the month and I couldn't take more.

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