Chapter 5- People Change...

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Three simple knocks could change anyone's life in ways that they never thought possible....

"No... No, it can't be."

"We're sorry Mrs.Kettering, but Daniel is gone....."

The words were a little muffled, but the nine year old Carlisle was listening through her bedroom door to the conversation going on between the military men at the front door and Carlisle's Mother, Taylor. She knew that what the men would say was going to be bad when her Mother forced her to go to her room. Daniel Kettering was a marine, and a Father to Carlisle, but now.... He was gone. Apparently, he'd been captured by the enemy, and killed. The child shifted away from the door and rushed to her bed, where she cried into her blankets. She had no idea how long she cried, but it was definitely the longest time the child had cried in her life. 

It wasn't long before the men left and Carlisle's Mother was balling on the couch. Her husband was gone, and her daughter looked just like him. A terribly painful reminder of her loss. But what Carlisle didn't see coming was the drinking... The abusive alcoholic parent that would replace her sweet, animal loving Mother. Not only did Carlisle look like her Dad, but she had his sarcasm and whit. She had his intelligence and dark humor. But now, he was gone.... And now, Carlisle's Mother couldn't stand the sight of her, because she reminded her of the pain of loss.

"The human race tends to remember the abuses to which it has been subjected rather than the endearments. What's left of kisses? Wounds, however, leave scars." ~ Bertolt Brecht

The quote was a harsh reality for the child. Her sweet, outgoing nature was sucked away by the black and blue marks on her arms. By the protruding flesh on her back, caused by a broken beer bottle. It only got worse as the child got older and became a teenager. Attempting relationships left the girl with trust issues due to being cheated on or dumped for no apparent reason. The only point of Carlisle dating in the first place was to fill the gap in her heart that was once filled with encouragement and love from her parents. She only wanted someone to care for her, so that her existence didn't feel like it was such a curse, or a burden.

Alas, relationships didn't work for her. The child grew to believe that people always change. Even if they loved you with all of their hearts, in the blink of an eye they could be beating you to a bloody pulp. People are all bastards... That's how she felt. So instead of caring for people, Carlisle cared for animals. They reminded the young woman of innocence.... the innocence that she once possessed as a little one. The innocence robbed from her by the simplest of things. Alcohol. But as an adult, Carlisle couldn't stand the sight of it. The drink turned people into monsters and manipulated their actions. The girl never drank it in her life, and never wanted to. She didn't even own a bottle of the stuff....

Because it ruined her childhood, and made people change...

----------- END OF FLASHBACK-----------  

Carlisle munched on the poptarts like she hadn't eaten in years. While the girl was skinny, she had quite the appetite. Michael watched curiously as the creature at with a certain ferocity that made him wonder if this were a human, or a wolf that hadn't been fed in weeks. After she finished of the box and drained the bottle of root beer, she stuffed her trash back into the bag politely. And then a thought occurred to her. In a voice that was quieter than a mouse, she looked over to the tall man, and asked;

"S-so, are you going t-to kill me?" She seemed to get a bit anxious, twiddling her thumbs and shifting uncomfortably, which Michael Myers noticed. He shook his masked head as the candlelight cast tall shadows against the walls. She let her shoulders slump in relief. While Carlisle didn't care about dying when it came right down to it, she felt he would make her death painful and slow. That wasn't what she wanted. "Thanks." Carlisle said. It was really the only thing that she thought to say at the time. With the young woman's mind under intense stress, her common sense seemed to falter.

"You know, I wouldn't try to run away. Y-you'd kill me pretty easily." She forced out an awkward chuckle. Something about the airiness in her voice made her sound truthful. She was right, besides... Michael locked the door from the outside anyways. With his ability to pick locks, it was no problem for him to get in and out... But this girl didn't look like the lock picking type. He stalked towards her slowly, just to get a better look at her. Michael was pretty good at being able to tell if he was being lied to.

Carlisle's slim frame tensed upon his approaching. But, it wasn't because she was hiding a lie.. it was because he scared her. And Michael recognized this fairly easily, what with her quickened breathing and the slight shaking in her thin hands. He scanned her bright eyes for a sign of dishonesty and only found fear. Good. She was being truthful. Now that he was a bit closer to her, he noticed that her shirt was pulled up a bit and he could see her stomach. It appeared that she had a protruding scar that looked like she'd been cut with a knife. Upon noticing his  staring, Carlisle tugged her shirt down, forcing his dark eyes to snap back up to her embarrassed ones.

Whatever was the story behind the scar, she was hiding it. It caused her to feel shame, and he could see that. But why did he care?! It was none of his business after all. At the same time though, he knew the feeling of shame quite well. Any human emotion other than anger made him feel shame. Especially sexuality, since Michael Myers was sexually repressed. Maybe... maybe he could relate to her in a way. That horrible feeling of shame.

Instead of tying her to the bed again, Michael decided to grant her the freedom of using her legs and taped her wrists together behind her back. She was not a fan, but still.... when it comes to trust, you have to start somewhere. Carlisle was, in a weird way... proud of herself. She was the very first captive of Michael Myers! He didn't kill her, and  he was loosening her restraints.

Maybe there was still hope for Carlisle. Maybe she'd get to live...

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