Chapter 9- Trespassing....

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Authors Note: This chapter contains some much needed gore. I hope you like it!


The day dragged on and eventually ended with Carlisle falling asleep like always. But  Michael could tell that something was going on outside. Listening in, he heard laughing and knew that people were trying to trespass. It seemed to him that people don't learn. He shook his head and stalked out of the room, locking the door like always. Michael watched Carlisle curiously every night, but his blood lust was much stronger than his curiosity.

Silently, the killer made his way down to the last step on the stairs so that he was still hidden by shadows. Michael blew out all of the candles in the house when Carlisle was asleep so that his presence wasn't suspected. He flattened himself against a wall and listened in on the muffled voices coming from the front door.

"Come on Tommy, don't be a pussy." After hearing that, Michael knew that these were teenagers. Those creatures always got themselves into trouble but that, along with their lives, were about to end. He listened to the front door creak open slowly and heard three other voices gasp. Myers knew that there were four people in this group. None of which were making a good impression on him.

Hearing the squeaking of floorboards and the sounds of cautious footsteps, Michael knew that he couldn't let them go. If they would've just peeked through the door and left, maybe he'd let them go... but no, they just had to break into his house. The fools. They'd pay for their ignorance.

As the group entered, he could see that Tommy was in the front. A scrawny blonde girl who looked like a druggie. The rest of the group were all boys. Probably all skate boarders, and they looked like they either used marijuana or psychedelic mushrooms. It was quite obvious by their appearance that they weren't innocent when it came to substance abuse.

They crept towards his kitchen and Michael made a swift move to shut the door loudly, then hide in the shadows and listen to the group shriek. He watched them head for the door only to realize that it was locked. Michael beat them to the back door and locked that too. He gracefully slid past them as they made their way to the door to find that it was also locked.

"Shit, shit, shit!" The group whisper yelled as they attempted to barge the door down. "Why did you guys make me come in here?!" Tommy exclaimed only to receive worried glances from her 'friends'. They shook their heads and pointed fingers until Michael grew annoyed with the banter. Rushing behind the biggest one in the group, Michael stabbed him through the chest and lifted him in the air.

Tommy looked like she'd vomit, so Michael tossed the gurgling teen to the side. He picked the girl up by her throat and slammed her into the shortest boy head first. Their skulls smashed together with a sickening *CRUNCH* and created a pile of gore as Michael dropped the pair sharing a smashed cerebrum. He turned his attention to the other two boys that were banging on the front door aggressively.

Michael took his time approaching them. It was laughable that they thought they'd escape. When he was right behind him, they paler of the two pushed his friend forward as a shield. Karma would be this kid's death and Michael made sure of it. Shoving his shield to the ground, Myers grabbed the kid by the collar of his over-sized 'Nirvana' t- shirt and dropped him to the ground. The psycho then picked him up by the sides of his head until he was on eye level and slammed him against the front door. The teen let out a pained groan before Michael gouged out his bulging emerald eyes.

The human shield scrambled away as Michael tossed the dead boy off to the side and began stalking towards the living one. He picked up the stoner by one of his ankles and suspended him in the air. Mockingly, Myers cocked his head to the side and the kid spit on him, hitting him on the neck. The killer aggressively wiped the saliva away and plunged his knife into his prey's stomach, slowly dragging his knife down the kid's body till he reached the neck. 

As the trespasser's entrails pooled around his feet, Michael Myers felt his anger disperse and realized how big of a mess he had to clean up....



As I have a few connections with the authorities, I'm not going to be charged or arrested for breaking an entering.... But I did have to report that the homeowner was missing and her pet had been killed. I have a very bad feeling about this woman's fate... although I'm not giving up hope. I know that Michael either took her to one of his hideout, one of Thorn's hideouts, or his house. I doubt the last idea, so I'm searching for her through Thorn.

Then again, I don't know too much about this ritual, so there's a chance that she could be in the Myers home. Such a thing is slim to none, and there's no time to waste.... so I will check the Thorn hideouts in hopes of finding the unlucky lady.  If I know anything about the Boogeyman, I know he's always a step ahead of me. Nonetheless, I'm not going to give up without even trying.

The struggle of sneaking into the first hideout I checked was constant. I watched from behind a tree as two men entered through a door on the ground. It was hidden under grass, moss, and leaves. Trying my best to be as silent as Michael, I managed to come close to the secret door. Unfortunately, a man across the street wearing the Thorn outfit saw me and ran towards me. I wish I had noticed his presence earlier. Before the man could attack or capture me I ran back to my car.

'This going to be rather difficult...' 

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