Chapter Nine

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- At Neji's House -

I'm laying on the couch reading a very good book with Haku sleeping on my stomach when Neji walks in, grabs the book on of hands, picks up Haku, and puts him on the other couch.

"Neji why did you do that? He was comfortable right there and that book was getting to the best part."

I whisper watching Haku sleeping.

"Because we have basketball in an hour."

"Oh. Well go get ready."

Neji walks into the bedroom. I get my book and continue to read it. Haku wakes up and then walks over and lays back down on my stomach. So we are where we started. Neji walks back into the room with basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

"Really TenTen?"

"What? I got my book and then Haku woke and walked over here and then he fell asleep again."

I close my book and put it on the table without waking Haku.

"Haku sweetheart you need to wake up. We're going to basketball."

He shot up and rumbed his eyes.

"Can Hanabi come?"

I look at Neji and he nodded.

"Yes if she wants to. I have to get ready. Go see if Neji will take you down to get something to eat."


I kiss his cheek and he jumps off my stomach right into Neji.


Neji mess up Haku's hair.

"It's okay little guy. Are you hungry?"

Haku nodded his head.

"Okay let's go get some food so your mom can get ready."

Neji walked out the door and Haku followed. I got up and went to get ready.

- 20 Minutes Later -

I walk out of the house in a blue t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

"Neji what car do you want to take?"

"I'm thinking the Jaguar XF."


I grab Haku's and Hanabi's hands and walked over to the car. They got into the car and I helped them get their seatbelts on. I shut the door and sat down on the leather seats. Neji was already in the car ready to go. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously. Neji you and your sport cars. Without them you would be nothing."

Neji chuckled.

"You know it babe."

He said and I kissed him. From the backseat I heard not only Haku but also Hanabi yell.


I ended the kiss.

"Really guys."

I look back at the two. Hanabi nodded.

"Yeah mommy. You two k-i-s-s a lot."

"How do you know that?"

"You just told me."

I laugh and turn back around.

"Wow. My kid has my attiude problem."

Neji chuckled again and stop the car.

I got out and put my bag on my shoulder and opened the door for the two in the backseat.

"Mommy did you get the colors and books?"

"Yes sweetheart I got the colors and coloring books."

"Awesome. Come on Hanabi."

He grabbed her hand as he took the colors and books out of my hands and ran up the stairs and into the gym.

"Wow. We have a couple of lovebirds here today."

Mom said from inside the gym. I laughed know she was talking about Haku and Hanabi. I walked into the gym and seen mom and dad talking about something, some of the girls streching and some of the guys watching them, and then Haku and Hanabi coloring in their coloring books. I kissed Neji on the cheek and walked into the girl's locker room. I put my shoes on in there and walked out to see Ino and Kiba kissing. I went to where Neji was watching them.

"Are you seeing this to?"

He nodded.


I tilted my head to the side.

"Yeah. I didn't think they would hit it off so fast."

Neji said.

"Yeah. I mean Ino is kinda a player so one of these days Kiba is going to come home crying."

"Well then. We need to prepare."


Mom walks to the middle of the court.


Me and Neji jogged over and dad glared at Neji.

"My dad hates you, you know that right?"

I whisper. Neji leaned down to my ear.

"I know this but your dad is not scary even with his mask on."

He whispered back. I giggled and Neji straightened back to his orignal height.

Everyone was at the middle of the court now.

"Okay maggots we're working on skills tonight. Pass these after you each take one."

Mom magically make a stack of papers appear and handed them to someone. Temari handed the stack to me and I took one and I then handed it to Neji.

I looked down at the paper.

Number of dribbles while running down and back, sprint down and back, free throws out of 10, and...

"Wow really mom. Timed wall sits. Well I'm going to be here for awhile."

"Yes TenTen and if you all finish in an hour then we can have a scrimmage like yesterday. So get going."

- Neji's House After Practice -

"Wow practice was easy!"

Temari said following me upstairs to Neji's room. She decided she wanted to see this place since I was living here now.

"I know. What was your sprint time?"

I asked opening Neji's door.

"9.5 seconds. Yours?"

"8.5. Haha! Got you beat by a second!"

"Not cool."

I threw my basketball bag down by the desk.

"This place is nice but how can you stand the smell of the wolves?"

I gave her the are-you-seriously-asking-me-this look.


"Temari. I stayed with a wolf for three years and had a kid with him. Even before that I couldn't smell wolves. Stupid I told you this before."

"Oh that's right. You have that weird I-can't-smell-wolves thing."

"Yeah dumb ass."

"Hey I am not a dumb -"

Haku walked into the room.


"Mommy can I go downstairs with Hanabi?"

"Sure sweetheart."

Haku ran out of the room.

"You are such a great parent for only being sixteen when you had him."

"Yeah I just I am."

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