I couldn't tell you : The beginning

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My parents decided to move house. The area we lived in then was pretty and quiet, just perfect. Of course, we had to move to a city. It would be loud, and fast. Everyone walked quickly in cities, because they had this to do and that to do and no time to slowly amble to the local post office and have a chat about kittens and flowers, like where I lived. The ladies would come to the shop, buy a packet of mints and spend hours talking to everyone who came in. Even me. "Why, hello Jessie." they would call. I would wave and smile, and then they'd buy me fruit drops or gummy bears. They were the kind old grandmothers everyone wished they had and if they did have grandmothers like them they were lucky. My parents, my mother in particular, was under the opinion that sweets were only for who she called "layabouts", "nerds" and "geeks".
"Now you are none of those things" she'd tell me, "so why are you stuffing your face with blimming sugar?".
Whatever the reason, she thought sugar was the enemy. She must have been doing something right - my mother was beautiful, but I couldn't help thinking she would look so much better if she stopped smirking and gave me a sincere smile. One that reached her sarcastic eyes and made them twinkle.
I was always home schooled to 'avoid unnecessary attention' but now I was told that I would have to go to school. I shivered at that. I had always wanted to go to school - the teachers would actually care about education...but at the same time, I'm knew a permanently speechless girl would have a hard time getting to know anyone, or do anything.
I hope my mother was wrong. I'm not stupid. I know that.
Don't I?

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