Date Part 2

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It was silent in the car until Jungkook spoke up.

Jung Kook: Leylia?

Leylia: Yeah?

Jungkook: So um, because we kissed and we're going on a date, does that mean that you're mine now?

Leylia: *blush* Yah! Don't joke around!

Jungkook: I'm not! It was an actual question!

Leylia: Well.....would it be alright if I said...y-yes?

Jungkook: Yay! *Smiles cutely*

Leylia: *Chuckles* You're cute.

Jungkook: Yah! *Blushes*

Leylia: What? Did I say something wrong Jungkookie oppa~? (You said cutely)

Jungkook: *Blushes real hard* You're already calling me Jungkookie oppa?

Leylia: Oh you don't like it? Then I'll just call you Jungkook.

Jungkook: Ani Ani! Its just that, it was real cute!

Leylia: *Turns red* Yah! Don't tease!

Jungkook stops the car and Leylia looks outside her window. She was so amazed at what was in front of her eyes.

Leylia: Wow! An Amusement Park! I've never been to one before!

Jungkook: Jinja!?

Leylia: Yeah! But it looks so fun! *Looks at Ferris Wheel* Ani! Nevermind! Let's go somewhere else!

Jungkook: *Sees you looking at Ferris Wheel* Leylia why don't we go in!

Leylia: *Gasp* A-Ani! We can't!

Jungkook: Wae?!

Leylia: *Looks down*

Jungkook: Are.....Are you afraid of heights?

Leylia: *Nods*

Jungkook: It's okay! You got me with you! I may not look manly but I actually am!

Leylia: *giggles* O....Kay!

Jungkook: Yay!

They get into line and wait for about 45 minutes.

Jungkook: Yay! We're finally here! Let's go in!

Leylia: Jungkook oppa~ I don't think I can get on! *Pouts*

Jungkook: Yah! Its okay, remember I'm right here if you need me! *Drags you into the cart*

As their cart gets higher and higher Leylia can't help but to just hold onto Jungkook.

Jungkook: Leylia, jagiya~!?

Leylia: J-Jagiya!?!?

Jungkook: Yep! You're mine! Remember! *Looks at something* *Blush*

Leylia: What is it? *Looks the way Jungkook looks*

-Sign in the cart-

*Welcome! This cart is very special yah know! If you and a very special girl/boy is together right now, it means that you will be together forever! Thank you for riding this special cart!*

Leylia: Y-yah! You know that's not t-true!

Jungkook: *Smiles* I don't care if it's true. Cause I know that we are going to stay together forever!

Leylia: How do you even know? *Smirks*

Jungkook: Because! Just not long ago you agreed that you'll be mine forever! And when we kissed, you didn't pull back! Plus *Smirks* look at you right now, hugging my arm!

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