Tour Pt.2/ Kidnapped

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Jungkook P.O.V:

The plane landed when I woke up and Leylia was still sleeping on my shoulder. I looked around and saw the hyungs sleeping on each others shoulders. 'Awe.... NamJin forever!' I thought to myself. I shook Leylia so that she could wake up, but all she did was grunt in her sleep so... I'm not proud of myself but I kissed her on the lips without thinking twice. Okay so I was by just a little proud of myself. She bolted right up in her sleep and found me really up close to her face.

Leylia: W-what are you doing J-jungkook?

"Um... looking at the window?"

Jimin: He was staring at you then all of a sudden BAM he mushed your guys lips together.

Rap Monster: In other term 'kissed'


Jin: Okay you guys. Lets get off this plane, Leylia doesn't look so good.

I looked at her and she became pale again. I quickly got our bags and got her off that plane. The hyungs were not that far behind us but when we got off, fans were everywhere!

'Crap I forgot about them!' I thought to myself. I handed Leylia the disguise and she put them on quickly, so did I. The others already had their things on. And just like that, we were walking in the crowd of girls that were screaming our names, not at all giving us some personal space.

I was just looking around when I noticed that Jin hyung was missing.

"Jimin hyung, where is Jin hyung?"

He looked around and noticed something.

Jimin: That's weird, Leylia isn't with us either....


I screamed very loudly which got all 5 hyungs looking at me, with some of the fans stares as well.

Rap Monster: Jungkook, you okay?

"No, I'm not okay hyung! Jin and Leylia are missing!!!!"

All: WHAT!!??

"Jimin, why are you saying 'what'? I told you already!!"

Jimin: Oh, I do-

Suga: Not the time! We have to find them.

"Right!! The maknae team will find Leylia while the hyung team finds Jin hyung. Okay?"

They all nodded and just like that we split up into our teams.

Leylia P.O.V:

As I was walking with the boys, somebody pulled me out of the group and I was pushed to the ground. Jin saw me fall and helped me up. Once I got up we were about to walk back to the group but then everything went black for me. I woke up in some dirty room tied up on a chair. While I looked around, pain struck me in the back of my head and I saw Jin also sitting there tied up on a chair.


???: Looks like someone is awake.

"Who are you? Show yourself right now!!"

???: Seems like I need to introduce myself again.

The person came out of the place they were in and to my surprise, it was....

"IU! Untie me right now!!!!!"

IU: Awe, someone thinks that I'll just do something stupid like that.

"What do you want from me?"

IU: Seems like those notes didn't make it clear. I want MY KOOKIE back.

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