2P Headcannon thing

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*The 2P Allies when they go to an amusement park*

2P America: Literally goes on every ride there, and tries to drag 2P Canada with him as well. He will stay there until it closes.

2P Canada: Goes on a couple rides he likes. And once he has, he either just sits around or leaves. Gets mad at 2P America when he is dragged to a random ride by the American.

2P England: Goes on all the rides except the tall and scary ones. He also eats insane amounts of cotton candy/other sweets, then ends up puking after getting on a merry go round. 

2P France: He might go on a ride or two with 2P England, but other than that he isn't interested in riding anything. 

2P China: Is very exited about everything there, but he accidentally spends all his money on mini game stands and gets pissed. 

2P Russia: Doesn't even care. He would rather just sit at home alone and read a book while surrounded by peaceful quietness, rather than hear screaming from every direction and constantly get bumped by children running past him. He doesn't go on any rides, just plays a couple arcade games then leaves.  

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