Laito Sakamaki X Reader pt1

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There is a part two


    (Y/n) was cleaning with Yui and listening to her whine about the brothers. "Laito is just a total pervert and hits on every girl he sees, I'm surprised he hasn't gone after you (y/n)."

   "Well, I hate perverts so he can just stay away just like he is." (Y/n) says and puts away her cleaning supplies.

   "Oh (Y/n)-chan." (Y/n) and Yui look to the doorway and see Laito leaning on the door. "What do you want Laito." (Y/n) says and rolls her eyes.

   "(Y/n) don't be mean to me," Laito says and walks up to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

   "Oi let go of me pervert." (Y/n) yelps and Laito teleports them to his room.

    "Why are you so mean to me (Y/n)?" Laito asks and moves her (h/l) (h/c) away from her neck.  

    Laito licks up her collarbone and neck to her ear. "I really like you (y/n)." She finches and pushes Laito off her. "Get off pervert." Laito just smirks and pins her down to the bed.

   "L-Laito..." She gasps as he looks into her (e/c) eyes with his green ones. He leans down and attaches his lips to hers passionately.

   She resisted at first but started kissing back giving in to him. "I love you (Y/n)," Laito says and she blushes looking away.

   "I l-love you t-to Laito!" Laito smirks again and kisses her lips again.




Alright sorry I took so long with this I've been really busy lately😅

Thanks for reading


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