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Harry's POV

"Harry, we're getting company!" Niall yelled from the other side of the street as I took a drag from my cigarette. I looked at my friend over my shoulder and laughed a short, forced laugh.

You got to be fucking kidding me.

The cigarette automatically fell out of my fingers and landed on the warm asphalt before I gently pressed it with the bottom of my shoe.

"That's fucking great." I stated and sat down in his car. It still smelled like it dis when he'd just bought it. Niall opened the door and slipped inside beside me in the driver's seat. I looked at him and shook my head as Lea sat down behind me in the back seat. Awkward silence filled the car. No one said anything and it started to piss me off. I hated this, why the hell would she appear now all of a sudden?

We were driving without talking for a few moments until Niall finally broke the mortifying silence.

"So Lea, tell us about yourself." He politely asked as he stopped the car in front of the red traffic light.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the warm window. I felt like throwing up. What was she even doing in this car? I thought we had made things clear between us all those years ago.

"Well I'm 21 and I live a few blocks from here. I used to work in a bakery but you already knew that, didn't you Harry?" She smirked as she leaned back, playing a dangerous game she would soon regret starting. I met her eyes in the hindsight, those brown eyes that I hadn't seen in years made my stomach turn inside out. Saying that I hadn't missed her would be a lie although I wouldn't let her know that, ever. She probably got over me the minute she dropped me off that night.

"Do you two know each other?" Niall asked as I dragged my hands through my curls.

"No", I said sternly and looked away. "I've never seen her before."

I knew I broke her by saying that and the truth was, it kind of broke myself too. We drove by building after building but it felt like we were driving in circles without getting anywhere. I checked her out in the same small mirror and she sat up straight now, her fits clenched in her lap.

Niall finally drove up to the parking lot where he stopped the engine and took the key. We left the car in an awkward silence and entered his house. I glanced over at Lea who looked around in amusement and the closer I got, the more I realised that I had underrated her beauty.

She was really beautiful as she stood there, caught up in her own world, and I couldn't deny it although I wouldn't let her know that either.

"What took you so long, Nialler?" Louis yelled as he and Liam entered the hallway. His eyes met Lea and a smirk began tugging on his lips. "It seems like it was worth the wait." He joked as he gave Liam a high five. I felt like punching him when I saw how uncomfortable he made her.

Niall shook his head and introduced the both brown haired boys. She smiled and introduced herself as well.

"I'm Lea, it's nice to meet you." She said as she shook their hands. Louis being the jerk he were winked at her before he kissed the top of her hand.

"For fuck sake Louis, what are you doing?" I blurted out with my fists clenched. All of their eyes were placed on me as Louis smirked at me.

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