Chapter 2 "I'm a What?"

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I'm back. Here's chapter two. Now on with the story.

3rd person POV: The professor was shocked by one of the last two names on the paper and then she spoke once more.

Draco's POV: I wait for Mcgonagall to call the next name and I am shocked at what I hear. "Harry Potter" Oh my goodness. Harry Potter, the boy who unknowingly saved the wizarding world and saved me from being forced to take the dark mark is here. "Gryffindor" yells the hat interrupting my thoughts. Oh well looks like I can't befriend him since father said I could only be friends with my house mates. Now it's my turn. "Draco Malfoy" called Mcgonagall. I walked up proudly knowing I'd soon join my friends at the Slytherin table. Then before the hat even reached my head it shouted, "Gryffindor".

Sorry for the short chapter. I've been having a lot of homework, but I wanted to give you guys another part of my story. The next chapter will be as long as I can possibly make it. Thanks to those of you who patiently wait for the characters and also thanks to anyone who reads this. Have a wonderful day or night and see you soon.

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