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Grayson POV:

"Grayson," someone whispers.

I step closer to the sound.

"Gray," they say again.

"Ethan," I whisper back.

He comes around the corner.

"I need your help," he blurts out.

He takes me to a room where an unconscious girl lays. 

"And what do you want me to do," I ask. 

"Grayson I need you to fucking help me. Not everyone in this hospital has to die if your selfish ass can just help me get her out of here."

It takes me a couple seconds to make up my mind.

"What if dad finds-"

"Dad won't find out," he assures me.

I hesitantly help him escort her to the surgery room.

He takes the bandage off her wrist.

"Ethan I'm no surgeon, but this looks really bad. And gross."

"Gray shut up," he says walking over to a supply cabinet.

He comes back with needle and thread and hands it to me.

"You're kidding."

"Gray you're the one who knows how to sew," he yells and pauses, "please."

I grab it and thread through her skin.

The bleeding finally stops.

"There," I say tying a knot in the string.

"Thanks Gray," Ethan says. 

He hugs me.

"You must really like this girl you just found," I say, pulling away.

He smiles.

"Now I just need your help with getting her out of here."

I stare at him wide eyed.


I cross my arms.

"Grayson help me," he says, now frustrated, "I just need a look out."

I sigh, "fine."

He grabs her lower waist and carries her to the only exit unguarded by cult members. 

Ethan walks out.

I proceed to walk out after him.

"Hey kid, what do you think you're doing." 

"Rodney! My man! I was just about to go light up my cigarette."

"Oh cool, let me come with you-"

"No," I say.

"What," he says angrily.

"I mean. It's my first time. This is an emotional moment for me. I just need to be alone. Do you understand," I lie.

"Whatever," he says under his breath, "fuckin weirdo," 

Madison POV:

I feel two hands wrapped around my body.

Somebody is carrying me.

I open my eyes just enough to see who it is: Ethan. 

"What are you doing," I ask.

"You're awake. Thank god," he says.

He puts me down on the ground and I find the strength to stand.

"Where are we," I ask.

"The woods outside the hospital."

"There you guys are," some guy walks up.

"Who's that," I ask, frightened.

"My brother. Grayson," Ethan says.

"Hi," Grayson smiles.

He pulls Ethan aside.

"We have to go back. Dad is asking for us," I hear him whisper.

"So how exactly am I going to find my way," I ask, exhausted beyond belief. 

"I'm sorry we have to do this to you Madison, but if you just keep walking straight you'll find a freeway. Off the freeway is another hospital," he pauses taking something out of his pocket, "here's some money. It should be enough for a bus if you need it."

"Thank you," I say sincerely.

I hug Ethan and kiss his cheek goodbye.


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ch. 5 coming soon!

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