An Unfortunate Event

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As you could have imagined, Mika and I became the closest of friends. Summers were spent drinking lemonade under the willow tree and winters were spent chatting by the fire in her large stone house. We had sleepovers at the Moreci home almost every day and Aunt Tremaine didn't even mind (of course). I always remembered the day when we first met. When she said she saved me, she really did.

As I grew older, I began to notice Noah a lot more. It wasn't like I hadn't noticed him before, but this time I noticed him in a different way. His red hair just seemed to catch my eye a bit more and his dimpled smile never ceased to make me give a little smile of my own. I had talked to him quite a few times during my frequent sleepovers with Mika, but I began to grow more bashful whenever he entered the room. Little did I know, he was my first crush.

Being the little sheltered girl that I was, I didn't know what this meant. I always just assumed I was becoming closer friends with him. One day, however, I learned more about the feeling. It was the day of Noah's secondary academy graduation, and he had just come downstairs to the living room where Mika and I were talking. His hair was parted to the side in a way I'd never seen it before. His suit was crisp and black, obviously tailored specifically for him. My heart fluttered for a second before Griffin entered the room. "My dear, dear son! I can't believe how far you've come! Your mother would be so proud of you!"

Noah gave a slight smile to the floor before responding. "I'd do anything to get her back, but it's good to know she'd be proud of me right now." This was something I could agree with him on. It was actually possible to get my own family back, but I didn't know how...

All of a sudden the doorbell rang, producing a deep and pleasant sound. "I'll get it," Noah responded. His was so kind and gentle, it just made me want to spend so much time with him. "How are you girls doing?" Griffin asked. That's when I opened up about my feelings for Noah, unknowing of what they meant. "I'm feeling very...shy...and I keep blushing..." I said. "Do you think I'm OK?"

Mika gave me a confused look. "Do you know why or is it just...happening?" she asked in a halting manner. "I don't know, but it all started when Noah came in," I responded, not knowing the information I had just revealed. Griffin and Mika exchanged a shocked look before Mika giggled in a very pleased way. Griffin awkwardly dragged his foot on the ground before saying "I think I need to the other room..."

Right after he closed the mahogany door behind him, Mika burst. "You like Noah?!?! Oh my like Noah!" She seemed excited, but I didn't know why. "Um...yes. I think Noah's a fantastic person," I stated. "No, not like that!" she argued. "You like Noah in a ROMANTIC way. Like when people want to get married. L-O-V-E." I was shocked. "What? Love is for older people! I don't get that feeling quite yet." Before I get called stupid or naïve, I want to make it clear that my school at the time was very conservative. Love wasn't in the line of logic and feelings were meant to be kept inside. Mika read romance novels frequently, so my limited knowledge on the subject came from her.

"Lies! You described a first crush perfectly. From the shyness to the blushing, it's obvious what you feel!"

"No, Mika! Love is for people who are looking to marry and that's not me. I'm only thirteen and feelings like love are meant for people who graduate school. That's that."

"That's NOT that, Ardy! Schools like Primrose Academy train students to stifle all emotions until they're 'necessary', but I know love! Most people can feel it in their teen years and beyond...that's what YOU'RE feeling. That's why dad left the room! He doesn't get into this stuff like I do."

Mika sure was stubborn. Knowing it was best for me to agree with her before she argued more, I nodded and reluctantly caved in. "Fine, Mika. I'm in love." She giggled and giggled until Noah entered the room...with Aunt Tremaine. What was this going to be?

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