chapter 8 - what'd I get into?

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Today was Thursday one of the worst days of school which is basically test day and I didn't feel like getting up at all . I tossed in my bed before heparing my alarm go off I quickly slapped it off and jumped out of bed I pushed day hair back into a ponytail for now before walking towards my closet I grabbed a navy spaghetti strap crop top , a red and white flannel, some light washed Jean shorts with maroon high top converes.
I quickly changed and had done my makeup I was running late to school already somehow by the time I had got into my car, sarah had spent the night at a friends she refuses to tell me the name of I assumed that would be calum. I backed out of the driveway and drove down the street . I sighed as I entered the parking lot of school after what happened over the weekend I haven't talked to anyone really being busy with so much homework and the whole thing with luke weighing on my shoulders .
I don't know where we are or if he even remembers , I'm not even sure how I feel about it I mean since I've been here I've had a tiny attraction but I'm just not prepared for the outcome for today good or bad hell I don't even know what would be the good out come.

  I pulled into a parking spot putting the car and park before getting out grabbing my bag , I looked up seeing dark clouds drawing near thunder sounding and lightning striking .
I sighed know it could pour down at any minute so I opened my door open and looked around for my grey jacket I thought I left in here .
I peered over into the backseat and saw it lying on the seat I sighed again pulling it out and jogging Inside before it let loose .
As I made it to the entrance I slowed down and begun walking seeing no one outside it was basically dead
And I knew at that point I was real late . I sighed deciding to skip 1st period and walk around the school I walked down the main corridor making sure to step softly so no one could hear me it really is different when there isn't 6,000 plus gets running around like bulls in a China shop trying to get out quickly. I took a left meeting with a hall filled with a few classrooms including my first period which was chemistry I switched classes around. Again . Probably wasn't the best idea but ah screw it. I quietly but quickly walked pasted the room before taking a right sighing as I was out in the clear I decided to go outside the school in the back , I pushed open the exit door and sighed as I was met with fresh air and dark skies a storm forming close by, I pushed the door shut with my back closing my eyes "your a bit late"
A deep voice called causing me to jump In fear my eyes opening widely as I looked up and saw luke with a smirk and I closed my eyes only to open them again "You scared the fuck out of me!....what are you doing back here?"
I asked he didn't say anything it happened to fast he walked towards me placing his hand on my cheek and kissed me hard I kissed back barely before realizing this was wrong I'm supposed to hate him , I pushed him off and looked down
"Luke we can't tha-"
I was cut off by luke  talking
"Yes we can we don't need to tell anyone it will be our secret you like me I know it deep deep down yah do"
He said shaking his head looking up at me searching for an answer and I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not
I said hanging my head down knowing that this was gonna be a bad idea, and even though I hate him there's something there that makes me wanna know more and  wonder just how long this "secret" would stay a secret . "And what If I agreed are we just supposed to hate each other at school and around friends luke nothings happening?"

I asked looking up at him biting my lip nervously , there's just something about him that makes me so curious to know about it.
"Well that's what a secret is right it'll remain a secret"
He said blinking a slight smirk appearing on his lips
"Just a hook up on the side luke?, and honestly how long would it stay a secret ? "
I asked sticking my hands in my pocket
" just a hook up mackenzie no strings or feelings . And we will try our hardest to keep it that way , we don't date anyone else though just me and you "
He said almost asking at the end I sighed knowing I'd regret doing it but he's right deep down I find him very attractive and the bad boy I hate you crap is even more of a turn on I blinked quickly biting my lip
"Ok "
I said watching as his eyes lit up a bit and he smirked bigly
"I knew you'd want to"
He said walking forward a little "don't get cocky now hemmings "
I said tutting at him he cut me off kissing me hard his hands running down my back.
It's obvious the sexual tension between me and luke that's grown since the second day of school. I gasped as his hands grabbed my ass without warning he kissed me harder smirking a bit before picking me up and pressing me against the wall
"How bout we ditch yah?"
He asked biting his lip "Yah good Idea I'm too late anyway"
I smirked kissing his neck
"But wait I drove here and so did you so?"
I asked as he let me down
"Ummm. Just drive to your house I'll follow you and then we can go back to my house let's go quickly "
He said grabbing my hand and taking off me running right behind him.

  We reached our cars getting in quickly I sped out of the parking lot luke on my tail trying to get there but doing the speed limit whilst In need of certain attention is not a great combination.
We reached my house and put my car in park getting out leaving my bag , and everything there. I jogged over to Luke's truck getting in quickly he drove off before I could even shut my door
"Someone's in a hurry "
I said smirking as I buckled my seat his hand feel onto my thigh squeezing it I smirked as we pulled in his driveway
"No one's home right ?" I asked hoping out of the truck shutting the door
"Nope "
He said walking to my side picking me up and kissing me as he walked toward the door I moved from his mouth down to his neck then to his collarbone  leaving a hickey before making another hearing him moan slightly I smirked kissing the hickey as he kicked open the door shutting it behind him before running up stairs to his room he brought my lips to his as he dropped me down he turned away from me and opened his door before pulling me into his body kissing me desperately I bit his lip another moan erupting from him as he shut and locked his door pushing me against it hard his hands wondered down my but squeezing earning a moan from me my head fell back as he took the opportunity and kissed my neck before making his way down to my chest leaving a hickey my back arched forward involuntarily.
He moved his hands to my flannel that was tied around my waist and untied it letting it fall to the ground I pushed him Back for a second to take off my shoes giving him the time to do the same , once done I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer reconnecting our lips eagerly and roughly.
Honestly this is the first time I've gotten this far with anyone since dylan and I regretted doing it with him and losing my v card to him.
Luke reached at crop top and pulled up signaling he wanted it gone I giggled a little and pulled it over my head dropping it by my flannel I slightly pushed luke back as he flipped us round so I was facing backwards he kissed down my neck again catching me by suprise as he touched my boob. He pushed me back causing me to fall onto his bed "Luke c'mon"
I moaned whining a little he unbutton my shorts and took them off .....
I sighed pulling on my shorts buttoning them I grabbed my top and slipped it on I grabbed my flannel and tied it around my waist
"What was that ex of hers thinking...damn"
I heard him say quietly due to him being in the bathroom not knowing that I could hear him.
"Well he thought the blonde bimbo at the strip club was cute "
I said tying my shoes before standing up "oops"
I heard him say as he emerged from the bathroom "Well I will see yah later I guess"
I said , I had done this with my cute nerd friend back in cali when I was 16
and it ended in him catching feelings and wanting more than what we had agreed to it always ends like that for anyone someone always catches feelings in the end . It won't be me .
"Bye kenzie"
He said as we exchanged a kiss before I walked away down the stairs and out the door.
Luke lives near me so it's no problem for me to walk.

I reached my house finally and jogged up the driveway getting into my car grabbing my bag and phone I shit the door and locked it before slugging the backpack over my shoulder and walked inside as I unlocked my phone paying full attention to that as I shut the door it was 3pm . Damn. My phone ringed showing sarahs face I smiled and answered it
I said walking up the stairs
"Hey , why weren't you at school?"
She asked as I pushed open my bedroom door closing it behind me
"I got up late so I stayed home mostly"
I said shrugging off my bag biting my lip nervously hoping she hadn't been home yet I paced my room a little waiting her reply
"Oh cool well I should be back soon I went out for ice cream with the girls we are leaving in a sec do you want any?"
She asked I smiled thankfully
"Umm sure mint chocolate chip one scoop"
I said sitting on my bed
"Are you sure just a scoop?'
She asked I nodded even though she couldn't see me
"Yah thanks bro"
I said looking at my mirror
"Ok I'll be home in 15 bye luv yah boo"
She said getting ready to hangup
"Love you too bye boo "
I sad hanging up and placing my phone on the charge I got up and walked into the bathroom deciding to shower thinking about today's events and what i had gotten into

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