Mom's Colors

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"Mom" a single word that labels a figurative Authority that we know personally well or either a image of comfort nonetheless the former is beautiful in her ( his ) own way.

MOM: Colors

Like the world around the typical Joe, Gust of wind mercilessly push thin or thick alike somehow allowing itself to be felt by the passengers of life, A challenge. This is when the figurative authority comes to play. During this moments you would have a hand to hold on, a shoulder to cry on, and a pair of hands to be embraced by warmth, their all a different shade of a part of the color spectrum yet reflects one word, Mom.

Hey, guys I'm back  :)
For a very very very ( enough, they know what you mean ) long time, specifically a whole year ( yikes ) and somehow I got motivated to continue and write this for Dedication to our moms for Mothers' day. I know this is a little shaky but thanks for reading anyway.

Ps. I somehow if this book gains READ a little more, I'm sure the update will be faster. Hehehe sorry about that but its hard to be motivated when no one pays attention to your work. Sorry again :) thanks for the read and like everyone :) I greatly appreciate it.

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