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I'm sick and tired of life. Everyone hates me and I try to hard. I do things and people don't appreciate me. So I've officially given up. My parents don't give a crap what I do. Why would they? I'm not even special or interesting. I try to be unique, but no. That doesn't work so that's why I've given up.

I want to disappear or run away from this hell hole. Then it hits me. Yes. I'll run away. This place has seriously gotten to me. I'm going. Leaving right now. Bye bye suckers!

My boyfriend lives practically half way around the world, it makes me sad I don't get to see him often. Though things have gotten pretty serious over the past year, we've been seeing each other quite frequently but my bank account is the only one complaining about it.

I decide to text him. Kayden helped me through everything. I never truly "clicked" with anyone in high school, leaving me pretty lonely on weekends. Once I joined over twenty of those pointless meme pages on Facebook to pass time, I started to build a fan base and soon I was unstoppable. That's where I met Kayden, it all started when he saw one of my memes and had a chuckle and just had to let me know.

But that was the last of my happiness, soon after Kayden contacted me, I dropped off the meme page out of pure boredom. He was the only one who noticed my disappearance and I guess we've just kept in contact ever since.

Hey babe

Hey x how u feeling Lacey? Wat's up

Would u care if I disappeared?

OMG!!! Of corse... you're only allowed to disappear if u take me with uuu xo  

He always helps me through the shit that erupts here. He is my only good thing.

It's about 11:47 at night, my whole neighbourhood is about asleep. I have my clothes, food, money, phone, laptop and the other essentials. Other than that I'm leaving everything. Quite literally dropping everything and running.

Though we're still young and I do admit it's a pretty risky decision so early into our relationship, but we are moving in together. I'm joining him in America. Yes. It does scare me. That something might go wrong. Then what the fuck do I do, stuck in a strangers house, with no family, no friends, no one else but him. But I've decided I'm fed up with thinking about consequences and the 'what ifs' so I'm escaping reality for a bit of time and living our dream.

I'm currently sitting on a plane to America. Alone. And overthinking.
I know Donald Trump is president and good things are slowly going to turn bad, but oh well, we're things ever 'good'?
I'm incredibly bored.
I'm so incredibly bored.
I trace my finger over the cold wet window and pretend I'm in one of those melodramatic music videos where the singer is in the back seat of a car singing about broken hearts and what nots. Then my plane window music video career is abruptly interrupted by someone filling the seat beside me.

I look to the side to see an elderly woman. She has dry crisp grey hair and smells of tuna and cats. I cringe and turn away and close my eyes. But next thing I know, she's breathing tuna breath in my face.
"Love could ya... Could ya do me seat belt up for me?" She leans back over in her seat and looks down at it. I sigh and lean over her. Add body odour to the list of bad things she smells of.

What feels like a million life times later, I finally reach America. The crazy cat lady who definitely shares dinner with her pets rushed out of her seat and pushes her way to the front.. thank god.

People in the airport give me weird looks. Ugh, I always get it, sorry I'm a big deal.. not. I'm so excited to be seeing Kayden again. We bought a house near the water. I'm pretty sure it's a quiet neighbourhood, mostly kind elderly people.

Soon I arrive at my new house and I just sit in my car admiring it. Honestly I have dreamed of this moment for years now, finally my freedom.

Then a car pulls into the driveway next to my house and I viciously pull the button that rolls the window up and wait to see who my new neighbour is.

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