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I carelessly screwed the note up and threw it across the room. A slight darkness began to creep its way into the room so I ran upstairs to shower.

While grooving along to my shower playlist that I had definitely named singing in the shower which I thought was hilarious at the time, I reached up to close the blinds that face the interesting boy's house. I caught him walking past the window, when he noticed me, he stuck his index up and ran out of the room. Honestly I started to ponder what heavy drugs this boy was on?

He ran back into the room with a sheet of paper and a roll of masking tape.. oh no.
Not again, first he seemed to be so against texting now he only writes notes. WEIRD AM I RIGHT?

He stuck the note to the window and instantly pretended to make himself occupied by his phone. Good! He's not some weirdo that's against technology or something!
I sighed.

What's your number?
I need help with something...

Did he really honestly think that would work ok me? I waited for him to look up and as our eyes met he raised his shoulders. I shook my head in disgrace and laughed at his pathetic attempt.

He looked defeated but ripped that sheet off the window and began to write another.. oh my this boy IS mad.
I closed the curtains so I could get dressed without Mr. Write-Notes-And-Stick-Them-On Your-Windows watching. Once I opened the curtains again, a new sheet had appeared but this one had what had to be his number with "call me then".

He looked up and I shrugged my shoulders. He scowled at me and stalked out of the room. Wow. Though I didn't have any intention of calling Noah, once he'd left the room, I grabbed a notebook from my bag and wrote down the number, you know just in case right?

I cleaned up after dinner and lay on the couch ready to pick up where I left off from Glee. I noticed myself not really paying attention to what was going on but to what Noah had "wanted help with". I let out a loud sigh and grabbed the piece of paper and typed the number into my phone and waited.

"Lacey! I knew it was you, hi!"
"Um hello Noah... How did you know it was me?"
"Well.. I figured you'd call eventually!"
"That's a bit creepy but also.. fair..."

An awkward silence grew over the call as I sat there tapping my fingernail against the countertop.

"Sorry Lacey. I meant to ask you, now it's going to sound so stupid and you're gonna think I'm such a dumbass for asking but-"
"Just spit it out Noah."
"Oh.. well it's weird to ask your new neighbour for help but earlier I was trying to cook a chicken for dinner but one half is cooked and the other is raw. I was wondering, can I eat the cooked half?"

I smile and shake my head in pure confusion of the situation.
"Hello? Lacey?"
"Sorry! No don't eat it!"
I laugh and so does he. Then I tense up at his next question.
"Can you come bail me out? Help me with this damn chicken?"
I hesitate again.
"Uh isn't it a bit late for dinner now Noah?..."
"Of course but it would mean the world to me if you could help me out you know?"
I just sat there shaking my head and smiling in disbelief. But it wasn't like I was getting anything done over here and it would be interesting to see Noah's house so I made the decision to venture across the fence.

I wrapped a coat around myself but caught myself staring off into the distance while tying the drawstring. What am I doing?

What am I getting myself into, going to eating dinner with the boy next door who... Okay I had to admit he was pretty okay looking as an understatement, but this was just a polite gesture right? Yeah of course it was.

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