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Name: Sarah Wright

Nicknames: None

Age: 21

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: Kind, Caring, Protective of others

Alignment: Guardians of the Galaxy

Appearance: A human girl with brown hair going down to her waist, has bangs on the sides of her head, beautiful blue eyes, and a necklace that Rocket got her on Knowhere.

Clothing: Red plaid-pleated skirt lined with black lace, a white sleeveless dress shirt, a semi-transparent pink sweeper, an extra matching hair tie on her left wrist, black thigh-high stockings with a white diamond shape attached to the top of her left stocking, ivory ankle boots

Clothing for the final battle: Red vest with dark stripes, light coloured long trousers, dark long boots, and black fingerless gloves.

Allies: Rocket, Groot, Gamora, Drax, Peter, and Nova Core.

Enemies: Ronan, Nebula, and anymore who hurts her friends

Relatives: Roger - her father

Goal: To prove that she is not weak.

Rank: A Nurse

Likes: Her friends, Rocket, Groot, and sweets, and Rocket being protective of her.

Dislikes: Being weak, and seeing her friends hurt.

Fears: Losing her friends and her father.

Love Interest: Rocket Raccoon

Home planet: Earth

Relationship with Love Interest: She and Rocket met after he bursted into her house injured and barely breathing, with help from Groot, she was able to get him stable and when he woke up he saw her eyes and claimed he was looking at a angel. As the weeks went by everything was peaceful, until her father found her and started to beat her, just as she was about pass out, Rocket and Groot came and fought off her father, they turned him into Nova Core, and brought Sarah with them, she now lives with Rocket and Groot. When the duo returns, Sarah greets them with hugs and kisses (much to Rocket's delight), and dinner, she would find Rocket curled up to her when she wakes up. As time goes by she falls for Rocket, it is just she is shy to admit her feelings for him.

Description of your home planet: It is Earth

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