chapter 1- the beginning

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"Welcome to.... the pokemon hunger games!"

arceus said

everymon stood with their districts staring at the cornucopia. eventually there would only be one.

"when i say 321 then go you go! it's everymon for themselves out there. may the odds be ever in your favor!!!"




everymon ran forward twords the cornucopia of battle goodies. 

"why me" magikarp said

"its ok bub" said feebas

but everyone else  ran for the battle goodies.

but thank arceus magikarp and feebas had wheels!

everyone was battling at the cornucopia 

latias and feebas fought over a sack of who knows what, but latias won. maybe cause he has more arm

weepinbell spotted another bag. he waddled over to get it, but latios swooped it up and laughed in his face! weepinbell was plotting revenge

pikachu said "pika fukin pika", grabbed a shield and ran for the hills, not waiting for charizard, but charizard had already ran away!!!

magikarp ran away in fear. he was spooped. chespin dashed off too

pichu was too weak so he ran away too

 but little did pichu kno that weavile had killed onix.. and pansear!!!!!!!!

drifblim and ho oh also fleed the battle scene

an allience was forming!!! gallade, hawlucha, wynaut and pansage made a squad and shared their battle goodies. but secretly gallade missed gardevoir

lucario hid in the shrubs. when wartortle went to get some items.

"boo" lucario screeched and he scared off wartortle

meanwhile, weedle and lugia, the unlikley chums, were off to start fishing. lugia almost used weedle as bait!!

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