Chapter 5- Finding Out My Presence Part 1

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(Y/n) POV

^^^^^^^During Dream Land...Not Really...^^^^^

"So Kisho did you have a family back then before when you used to be a vampire?" I asked Kisho curiously. His answered the question with a cocky smirk on his face "Of course I had one (Y/n) but I hated my parents, family members and others. They hated me as well and what did I do? I ran away and live somewhere else!". I responded with with a dull expression, "Hmm... your just like me you know?" he looks at you a little confused, but remembers what had happen to me afterwards. He comes towards me and pats my head gently. My eyes go wide at the feel of his hand, 'I guess he's not that harsh as he is.' I thought while smiling. Through other people's eyes they think that Kisho is a cold-hearted, selfish demon, but through my eyes I see a demon brother. I was the only child so I think of Kisho as my older sibling. While I was smiling, Kisho looks at me weirdly. "Why do you have that look on your face?" he asked a little worried. "I have this damn look on my face, because I think of you as my older brother even though we kind of just met hehe..." I said sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck. Kisho looked at me surprised but then smiled jokingly " So it's seems the kuudere (Y/n) has broken her shell towards me~!". "I'm not a damn kuudere damn it! I didn't have a sibling or anyone who at least understood me. Shouldn't you know of all demons?" I said raising a eyebrow at Kisho. "Hah! What are you talking about (Y/n), of course I knew that you didn't have any siblings! I just forgot." Kisho said while laughing nervously. I sighed in response, I fell backwards a little bored of our conversation. At the corner of my eye I saw Kisho walking towards me and sat beside me.

Kisho POV

I sat down beside (Y/n) and stared at her just to get her reaction. She turns towards me and yelled at me "Why are staring at me for!?" "Just wanted to tell you something...imouto-chaaaaaaaan~!" I said with a genuine smile and not in a joking voice.

She looks at me in shock then run towards me and engulfs me in a hug. "You know your the first demon I actually trust for the first time." (Y/n) said in my chest. My eyes go wide then soften at her words. I hug her back then broke the hug to talk to her again. "You know you should wake up now (Y/n)." I said to her knowing she doesn't like to get awaken from her sleep. "You won't dare Kisho." She says with a scared look on her face. "Oh I will imouto-chan~!" I said with a smile on my face. "Huuuhh! You know I hate waking up from my sleep onii-San then I'll get all angry and grumpy when I'm still tired." She said while crying like a waterfall.

(Y/n) POV

It was true I hated waking up early in the morning. I would either a wake up angry if I wake up by myself, and if someone would wake me up they'll get there beaten from the dark me. "Kisho you better not I won't for give you Kisho!" I said with a irritated tone of voice. "Yes you will (Y/n) I know you will. Now awaken (Y/n)." He said while waving his hand goodbye to me. "Fuck you Kisho!" I said I said last minute.

~~~~~~End Of Dream Land...Well Not Really Dream Land~~~~

(Y/n) POV

I woke up at 11:30 in the morning, I groaned in response. 'I swear when me a Kisho are having another talk I gonna beat his ass!' I said ready to go back to sleep until 12:00-1:00.



I woke up at 12:49 PM, "Haaa! Time to wake up. Gotta go to work." I said in a sarcastic tone while swing my arms around as a worker that's like in a movie. I started to go to the bathroom to get ready. After I got done in the bathroom I went to get dressed in my uniform. I went downstairs to make my breakfast, when I got done with my breakfast I went to go get Kisho in his pen form.

I started to make my way just walking around the school, to see what was happening lately. I put my hood on before I go into the school, I walked the down the hallways seeing the usual stuff that was until I heard the alarm go off! "A vampire has broken out of the vivisection laboratory!" the intercom came on. I started to run in the hallways to look for the vampire. I located the vampire so I can kill that thing. I rushed into the classroom and saw Hyakuya-San with a uncursed sword. 'This boy won't learn will he.' I thought while sighing. I told him once 4 years ago but he still doesn't listen. Probably doesn't even remember me.

Yuu's POV

I saw this pink haired vampire about to suck the blood of the student behind her. Before she could of done that I sliced her arm off. She turned around with a irritated face and said in a insanely happy "Ugh humans are always in the way, but I'll have two meals in one day!". Then suddenly I heard a female's voice "Tch...bloodsuckers desperate for blood at this time a day ." I turned around to see the same person from yesterday that ran away from me. I'm assuming that it was a female, because of her voice. Anyways she running towards the vampire with a (w/o/c). She knocked it out of the window therefore the girl and vampire went through the broken window and fell into the bushes down below. I decided to jump out of the window too, so I can help the girl. I landed beside the bush beside her, I started to get up and kill the vampire but someone got to kill it first before I could. 

(Y/n)'s POV

I was about to use my powers until the vampire got stab right in the stomach with a cruse  weapon and I noticed that it was Guren's sword that stabbed the vampire.  He swing his sword an the vampire disappeared from my sight. All of the sudden I felt weight that had crashed on me! "Oof! What the-" my words were cut of but the one and only Hyakuya Yuuchiro was on top of me. I pushed him of and helped him up, his legs started to wiggle like jello and all of the sudden he fell it the bushes once again. I almost forgot Guren was here so I happily said "Hey L.T. Colonel Guren hows it going huh?". "(Y/n) I see that your happy this afternoon what were you doing in the school by the way?" Guren asked curiously. "L.T. Colonel that's rude of you to answer my question with another question isn't it now?" I said while walking up to him. "I guess your right (Y/n), but it's not the time now to play games."  He said with a serious expression on his face. "Okay I'll stop L.T.Colonel ." I said standing next to him. I looked around my surroundings and saw Shin-chan! "Shin-chan!"  I yelled towards her she look towards my direction then she yelled back "(Y/n)-chan!" she engulfed me with a hug once again from the girl. "So yesterday why did you run away from me (Y/n)-chan?" "I have my reasons Shin-chan." I said causally. "(Y/n)-chan your not getting away with this again tell me now."shin-chan said seriously.


Hello my peeps sorry this took so long again! I hope you like this chapter of the story, I didn't want to make this chapter into parts, but I also don't want you guys to wait on me forever so here it is. I also forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but I got a new computer! TwT So now the updates will be faster ......kind of. Anyways did you like the idea that i made you and Kisho siblings? (Comment down below to tell me please. :3) That's all I have to say so goodbye peeps!


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