Chapter 4: These Bloody Hands of Mine

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Wow, its been quite some time since I've updated. Over a year. First things first.

1. I'm so sorry for not updating. I hadn't planned to put this off for such a long time, but during last year I stopped watching Fairy Tail for a while and then not to long ago I decided to catch up. I really do apologize. 

2. As you can see I haven't been inactive I've been writing still and It would be GREAT if you checked out my other works.

3. I have written the future chapters for this already, so I do hope the updates will start to increase (I didn't COMPLETELY Ignore this series :).

4. FOR ALL YOU NARUTO FANS OUT THERE! I have a fanfiction account where you can read fanfics. Been pretty active there lately. sorta. eh?

5. I changed Crystal to Levy because I wanted to. 

6. School starts soon, so don't expect many updates. . . sorry!

Okay so that's out of the way, next matter at hand. I wrote this story last year so like many things have changed and my writing has also changed. My grammar is still sort of eh, but please bear with me like its not THAT bad.

WARNING: Its recommended you reread the old chapters seeing that its been a LONG time since I've been here for y'all.


I woke up much earlier then Levy. I wasn't surprised. She had grew up in a sheltered environment, not one where danger lurked at every corner, not one where you had to sleep with one eye open, a hand on your knife. He small, scrawny body and messy blue hair didn't belong in this place, but then again, neither did royalty like me. While I belonged in a castle and she in a suburban, somehow the two of us found ourselves running for our lives in a forest. 

"C'mon Levy, we have to keep moving." 

The short girl stirred rubbing her eyes before taking in her surroundings. She looked surprised for a moment but then calmed down after turning to me, "Alright. What's the plan for today?"

I stood up, brushing the dirt from my hair and picking up my bag, "There's supposed to be a camp around here. We're gonna take shelter there for a bit, change clothes, etc. Then we'll probably continue on our way to another academy."

Levy stood up and stood beside Lucy, holding her hand, "Lead the way."

I smiled. It wasn't until now did I realize how lonely it was running through the woods with no one to talk to, or share your secrets with. However, now things have changed. Hopefully, for the better.


It didn't take long for us to arrive at the campsite. What did  take up most of our time was finding the damn hideout. Rebel camps were so skillfully hidden that it was even hard for its residents to find it. 

Levy and I had split up. The camps are hidden above ground, the people stay in the high area, swinging from branch to branch. To "enter" you had to enter the password on the hollow tree located somewhere within the region of the camp. Until then, the people above you would wait with their weapons ready. 

"Lucy-san! I found it!" Levy called out, east of me. I quickly pivoted on my foot, running in the direction she had called from.

"Nice! Normally it would take me hours!" I laughed before performing a series of rhythmic knocks on the wood. Immediately after, the leaves rustled, and the trees surrounding us seemed to move back, exposing the homes above us. Beside me, I could see Levy's eyes widening. I had the same reaction the first time I set foot outside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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