Remix of Chapter 5

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Hey guys so sorry i haven't updated personal problems and the app was being stupid but I'm back now so YAY!! Also the beginning seems the same as the old chapter 5 but its nit anyway hope you enjoy!!! ~kat


Xandrea's POV:

Ask i flew to the station dozens of thoughts ran through my head as to what was so different about this guy?? The last person that was "different" was me because insted of 1 or 2 powers i had 3 which is very rare. Dont ask me how i got 3 cuz that is still a mystery to me!?!

It was dark but i could see the station and noticed that the train was just arriving. I found a tree not to close but close enough for me to have a good view of everything.

As i stood and watch as each of the new students came. I had no idea who or what the boy looked like. "Damn, how am i gon-" suddenly i felt a pull and thats when i found him.from the angle i was at i could only see his back.

He was tall with short dark brown hair that was in a blue beanie. I watched as he walk around as the directors showed the new bees where to go next. That when he turned around and i swear it felt like he was looking straight at me. His eyes were a blueish gray but in one eye the was a little section of brown.

There was different about him.

The thoughts were interrupted but a vibration in my pocket. It was the lunch box (its kinda like a phone or pager that tells us when we have a new mission). Shit so soon hmm guess he'll have to wait.

*"Ryan were gonna have to go we have a mission"*

*" you have to being kidding!! Well great timing Ora is about to beat the living day lights out of haley (schools hoe)"*

*"haha well that will have to wait ill see you guys at Ink"*

At that i jumped off the branch and headed InK

Ryan's POV:

"And if i did what are you gonna do about it?" With that Haley got right up in Ora's face, if there was one way to start something with her that was one of the best. "Don't start something you cant finish Haley"

"ORA, back down, this will have to wait we need meet X at Ink for a mission" i finally said. I would have love to see haley get her ass beat but this was not the time we had to leave. Ora may be stud burn as hell but when it came to a mission, she knew not to question it.

"Ill deal with you later" she said before she jumped up and flew to the academy.

We all flew about 10 feet in front of Ora because we all knew how important it was to keep our distance from Ora so she could cool off.

Ora's POV:

/who the fuck does that bitch think she is!! Bossing me around like she owns me!!/ i thought so myself.

i kept rerunning what happened in my head and each time i did it mad me even more angry than before./ i swear when we get back im gonna-./

Suddenly i was being pulled down by ankle. I was so lost in thought that i didn't even notice the figure thats was rising from the trees. Just as i was about to yell i was pushed pushed onto the nearest tree and pinned to the trunk by my waist.

"Miss me? " he said so huskily

This sent chills down my arms. At that i knew who exactly who it was because there was only one person i knew thats had this affect on my.

"Masson you ass hole!! You scared the shit out of me you fuck face!!"

"Ahh i can see you haven't changed a bit" as he said this he moved his body closer to mine.

So he wants to play this game well being it! " yeah and your the same asshole that cant even fucken call when he goes on a mission" with that moved the rest of my body to close the space between us.

"Come on you can still be mad about that" as he spoke he put his face right in front of mine. His eyes light blue eyes that shinned in the moonlight starring straight into mine.

"Don't you come on m-" but before i could finish my sentence he full on attacked my lips! As much i didn't want to kiss back, i couldn't help it, lets just say i have no control of my body when he's around.

With the little control i had left i moved my hands and tried my best to push him back.but in all honesty i didn't try and push hard because i didn't want to stop.

I felt his hands rape around my waist as tried my beat to wrapped mine around his neck but because of our height difference made it difficult.

Thankfully he noticed my struggle and lifted me up with one arm. And with out even thinking to i wrapped my legs around his waist. But just as we were getting deeper into the kiss i heard the others calling me.

"ORA WHERE ARE YOU!" They all yelled in unison

With this he pulled away and placed his forehead on mine. "you better go, meet me by the theater later."

I stared at him for a few more seconds before i un wrapped my legs and walk to the edge of the branch. "Ahh maybe if i have nothing better to do" i said with a giant smirk on my face before i jumped off the branch to catch up with the rest of the girls.

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