Chapter 3

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Xandrea's POV:

"Grace you keep getting in my damn way" said Sapphire. The fly was ok until for the first 10 mins then everything all fell to pieces. "Back off Sapphire we all know your just dying to get back to you boytoy" said Ora in her protective voice, but this only made Sapphire even more pissed "Oohhh fuck you, your just jelouse that you boyfriend left your sorry ass!!" She spat back. " BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF BEFORE I SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF BOTH OF YOU" i finally said, the past few days we've had more than the normal amount of missions and on top of that it was that time of the month for all of us (-.-). After my reply i could see the furry build up in Ora. "I dare you to fucking touch me!" She howled at me. Oh she knew better to challenge me cause she knows that i will just to piss her off, and sure as hell thats what i did, i flew up to her and slowly glided my hand down her hair which i knew was the best way to piss her off :) and with that she lunged at me throwing both of us off balance. As we fell we hit the ground but the fight wasn't over. She ran at me hoping to get a good shot of my face but i knew her all to well and in one swift move i ducked and throw her off her feet and slammed her to the ground!! I saw and her pain turned into furry as she quickly fought back by kicking me in the stomach. Thats my girl :) we wont go down with out a fight. We were both about to lung at each other again but was caught off guard and tackled. When i looked up i saw Ryan and her butt sitting on me "Get your GIANT ass off me before i get engulfed in it" i said sarcastically. When she finally did i noticed that Ora was laughing her ass off and grace was on top of her ticking her to death! Which Ora had enough strength to hold down her sisters hands, we walked over to me giving me a playful punch that i gladly returned as she replayed "Tie!". "Not even i totally kicked your ass!!" I replied with a smirk "not even you cou- all of a sudden there was a loud scream that cut Ora off. Before any of us said anything we were flying at full speed to the spot were we herd the scream.

To our surprise we saw nothing but a cabin which seemed to be abandoned.. I watched as my clan got information not once letting there guard down as we approached. I sent Sapphire, Sky, and Grace to search the area for the source of the scream as the others and i continued crept into the cabin. Behind me i had Ryan on my left sniffing the area trying to find any form of life around us. To the right of my was Ora, i watched as she touch different things in the cabin trying to piece together what the cabin was before, each time she did her eyes would darken until every part of them were completely black. The cabin was old, and there was mold growing on the walls. As we continued to search i noticed a shadow on the stair case but before i could identify it, it ran away somewhere upstairs. At that i signaled Ora and Ryan to follow behind me as i ran after it. When i reached the top of the stair case i herd the room to my left make a soft creek inside. With all of us in guard we walked to the door. When we opened the door we saw in the far corner of the room a small bed with cuffs chained to it. Suddenly there was a was a low breathing coming from under the bed. "Help me..." It said in a faint whisper. "She's gonna come back leave now..." Its said again this time louder. "Theres no need to be afraid come on out from under there" i listen as Ryan continued to convince whatever it was to come out and soon the thing slowly came out. It was a little girl prob no older than seven, she had sharp green eyes and golden brown hair. As i continued to study her i notice she was clenching her fist together like it took all her power to hold something back. "Run now i can't- ooops to late, shes here" she said with a wide eye smile at that i watch as her perfect little face darkened and slowly this black liquid slowly came out of her mouth, her nails grew longer. And with out any warning what so ever she lunged at Ryan who just stood there like a damn deer in head lights. *see because of something in her past Ryan made a promised herself to never kill/hurt another kid again* within seconds Ora and i jumped in and tried to pin this mutated child, but she just jumped up and clung to the wall. " GET DOWN HERE AND FIGHT ME YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" Ora shouted, which was a big mistake given the fact she didn't have a weapon *grace* to fight her with. So that just left me, just as it tried to lung at Ora i ran it at a full sprint harnessing all my lighting in my hand in one swift movement i shot it into its back, which fried the child from the inside out. I look Ryan who was wide eyed and in tears as i ran over to her, and hugged her. I sat there with her trying to comfort her, that is until we herd another ear peeling scream this time it was more familiar. "GRACE" we all yelled in-sync. Before i had even to comprehended what was happing Ora was already at a full sprint running to where her sister was. As soon as we got outside i saw it there were about 30 other mutated children similar to the one that just attacked us, attacking Grace at once. "Ora help" pleaded grace as she tried and fight off all of the children from hell "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU DIRTY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" At that grace jumped up and changed into a gain chain saw that landed perfectly in Ora's hand. With out any hesitation she ran at all 30 of the mutated children yelling "Eat. THIS. SHIT. BITCH." I search franticly for sky and sapphire only to see them in hand to hand combat against 60 more of those things. Just then i felt 10 of them jump on my back and 1 of them whisper in my ear in a dark low voice "today you join your brothers" thats its! "Dont ever talk bout my brothers!!" With that ripped them off my back and slammed them into the ground bashing its head repeatedly until they lied motionless but i noticed the one that said the wasnt there i search around until i sound her running for the woods but i wasn't done with him until he was dead! As i ran I watched as 40 more of them ran at me but i didn't care all i wanted was that one boy. With a single blow i shot lighting at all of them and continued to pre suite the boy. Before he could get any further i pulled out my lighting whip and cracked it at his feet until it finally got hold of him. With a giant tug i pulled it back and watched as he feel to the ground. I sent a shock through the whip strong enough to bring pain but not kill him. "How do you know of my brother" i demanded an answer. He just smirk which only angered me more, this time i sent a stronger shock which caused him to cry out in pain. "WIPE THAT DUMB ASS SMIRK OFF BEFORE YOU REALLY ANGER ME!!" I bombed this time he was in a full smile showing his rotten teeth and black liquid as he spat "Your more of a BITCH then he mentioned, fuck of and go to hell". That did it i sent all everything i had through the whip. He scream was back breaking but soon stop. When i finally stopped at stood over this burnt motionless body. "You first" i said before walking back to cabin where my clan was.


Well i hope you guys like and sorry for the late update was at camp xD comment VOTE share :) ~Kat

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