"Caroline Maria Cavanaugh"

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As I lay on the bed getting prepared to Push Toby stands beside me grabbing my hand tightly in his. "Spencer baby look at me" I turn my head to look at him the sweat pouring off me. "I'm here Okay? I'm right here you can do this" I nod taking deep breaths. If Toby says that I can do this I can do it "Okay Spencer you can start pushing now" The doctor tells me.
Spencer and the baby made it through the Labour. Caroline was a beautiful baby, She looked a lot like Alana did when she was little. She's got Spencer's nose definitely and my eyes "She's so beautiful" I comment sitting beside Spencer on the bed where I wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her head "She's so strong and beautiful just like her father" I chuckle running my hand down my Daughter's little cheek. "Daddy!" I hear Alana shout outside the room standing with Veronica and Melissa. I quickly get off the bed opening the door "Hey Gorgeous Girl" I say with a proud smile as Alana Jumps into my arms. She looks over at Spencer gasping "Mummy had the baby" I nod laughing "It's a little girl" I say putting Alana back on The ground as she walks over to Spencer. "Hey Alana" She says kissing her Forehead "She's so beautiful mummy" I walk over to her with Veronica and Melissa as all they can do is stare at her in awe. "What's her name?" Alana asks I chuckle standing behind her resting my hand on her shoulders. "Caroline Maria Cavanaugh" Veronica wipes hear Tears away smiling widely "She's so beautiful"
Sorry It's so short!
Hope You EnjoyedXx
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Caroline Maria Cavanaugh
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