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I came home from the Hospital 2 Weeks ago and honestly I've never been more happy. Everything's fallen into place for the longest time I didn't think I'd make it to this part of my life. But Meeting Toby Cavanaugh changed all of that, He gave me Hope Something that I didn't believe In. As I watch him sit on the lounge holding Caroline in his arms I can't help but smile. I don't know what I'd do without him, Whenever I have a problem I know I can count on him. He glances in my direction smiling "You Okay Gorgeous?" I nod pulling Alana into my lap braiding her hair "Can I hold her?" Alana asks reaching out for Caroline. Toby nods thoroughly walking over to her she sits on the lounge Toby gently rests Caroline in her arms. "She's so pretty mum" I smile tucking a stray of hair behind Alana's ear "she's very pretty both of you are" Alana blushes Toby smirks noticing, I laugh at my amazing family Things don't change.
As I was feeding Caroline when my phone started ringing "Toby!" I shout he quickly rushes downstairs answering my phone. "Hello" He mumbles tiredly I knew that he was tried we're both tired. "When did this happen?" He asks running a hand through his hair with a concerned look on his face. "How serious are his injuries?" I'd finished feeding Caroline I button up my shirt and place her in the cot. Walking over to Toby I rest a hand on his back his eyes lock with mine "I'll be there as soon as I can Jenna" Jenna? We haven't heard from her in years "What was that all about?" I ask As I follow Toby onto The lounge twining my fingers with his "My Dad's in hospital" I frown "Toby I'm sorry What happened to him?" He sighs "Motorbike accident" He replies mumbling "I haven't heard or seen my dad in 10 Years" He stands up pacing around the room "Come on I'll call mum to take care of the kids and we'll go down" Toby nods walking upstairs I quickly text mum arranging for her to come here. About ten minutes later she finally arrives Toby and I say goodbye to the kids before we walk to the door. "Hey Veronica" Toby mumbles before walking past her and out to the car "Thanks for taking care of them mum" She nods smiling I quickly rush down to the car with Toby as he drives to the Hospital. I grab his hand tightly "He's going to be fine Toby" I try to reassure him "I know" He mutters we finally arrive at the Hospital he parks in the car. I get out of the car shutting the door Toby locks the car following me. We walk hand in hand into the Hospital where we spot Jenna "Hey Jenna" I say Jenna gives me a small smile "This way" She mumbles as we follow her down the halls Toby grips my hand tighter. As we walk into the Room Toby's dad instantly smiles "Been a long time" He mumbles Toby frowns "10 Years dad" He corrects him sitting down across from him bringing me onto his lap. "How are you feeling?" I ask softly he groans "Not that great but Thank you for asking" I nod wrapping an arm around Toby's neck. "You weren't Supposed to be driving that motorbike anyway" Jenna snaps leaning against the door. Toby's dad grow's more angry "I'm perfectly capable of driving a motorbike!" He shouts Toby grow's more angry "Clearly not!" He shouts "Dad you can't ride that motorbike anymore you need to get over it" Toby looks away taking deep breaths. Toby and Jenna we're right He can't drive that motorbike anymore otherwise next time he might not be so lucky.
As Spencer climbs into bed I wrap my arms around her resting her head on my chest. "Are you Okay?" She whispers tracing circles on my bare chest "You've barley said two words since we saw your dad" I sigh kissing her head "I just hated seeing him in that hospital, And the fact that I hadn't seen him in 10 Years" Spencer nods understanding where I'm coming from "It'll be Okay Toby" I smile kissing her cheek "I love you Spencer I always have" She closes her eyes "I will always love you" And in that moment we fall asleep in each other's warm embrace.
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You and Me together forever(Sequel to Spoby: 5 Years Forward) (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now