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"Wren?" I ask as the man turns around it really was Wren "You're living in London?" He asks me looking at Toby and the girls who cling to Toby. "Yes" I reply quickly backing away from him and towards Toby

"How's your sister?" Wren smirks I scoff crossing my arms over my chest "She's fine Wren she's married and is having a child" Wren raises an eyebrow chuckling "That's great" Toby wraps an arm around my waist "It's time to go Spencer" I nod following him into the store "Have a nice day Bye Wren" He waves goodbye to Toby and I before looking down at the girls. I take Alana into my arms holding her tight as Toby does the same with Caroline. He leaves not long after we put the girls back on the ground where they go and decide the ice cream they want.

I grab Toby's hand "That was weird I haven't seen him for years and years" Toby nods agreeing with me "I know it was strange seeing him here in London" Before I can reply we order the ice cream for the girls.
These are moments that I always dreamed off, Walking across the City with the love of my life and my 2 Children. I always wanted to find the love of my life and have beautiful children that I can share and experience beautiful moments like these. Most people struggle to find Love in their lives and if it hadn't of been for Spencer I wouldn't be here. As we continue to Walk across the streets of London Spencer and I walking hand in hand while Alana and Caroline walk in front of us. "This is incredible" Spencer says suddenly as we continue to walk "What is?" I ask her "My life now, I never thought I would live after everything that went down with A. But The moment I felt your lips against mine I knew I loved you Toby. I was debating on ending my life and you saved me you're my saviour" My heart shatters when she mentions ending her life but she didn't she's still fighting and here living her life. "I love you Spencer always have" She stops walking pecking my lips "Always" The girls look at us giggling. Nothing could ruin this moment
I know this Chapter is short but I wanted to clear something up again: This Book will only be 20 Chapters! And there won't be a sequel. I'm debating about doing another Haleb or Spoby book but I honestly don't know yet. Anyway the last two Chapters will be longer Xx

You and Me together forever(Sequel to Spoby: 5 Years Forward) (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now