Dream or Reality? Chapter 6

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Not edited. Sorry loves! Will fix later.

"Who are you?" Her voice is hoarse. I stand at the door way for awhile just staring at her. She's so fucking beautiful even with her looking like a hollow ghost. I chuckle.
"Your prince and charming, duhh." I bow her way and hear her laugh. Holy fuck, her laugh is so fucking amazing. I glance up from my bow to watch her laugh. They way her eyes crinkle, her dimples, and her award winning smile. It's perfect. She's perfect. I stand and she stares at me with a slight smile on her face.
"You're funny... I like it. On the other hand, who the hell are you and why are you here?" She crosses her arms the best way she can with all the wires sick in and out of her. Her face is neutral but I can see her hiding a smile. I smirk at her.
"Now why do you always ask questions? Can't they wait, please." I whine and stride towards her.
"Well, mystery man, they can wait for you." I smile and look at all the things stuck inside her and wires connected to her. I notice she never takes her eyes off of me. Honestly if I could I would stare at her forever but I can't. Not right now anyways.
"Good." She looks me up and down while biting her lip. Fuck me, she's so great. "Stop doing that or else." I warn her. She rolls her eyes.
"Or else what?" I lean as close to her face as possible without touching. Her breathing hitches and her cheeks turn a slight pink shade. I look to her lips then back towards her forest green eyes with specks of dark blue in them. She bites her lip. I see in her eyes she's wanting me to kiss her. I even feel her anticipation grow inside me. I chuckle and stand straight again. She looks confused. I feel her regret in not kissing me while she had the chance. I can even hear the slightest "fuck me" from her.
"I would love to kiss you mi amor, but if I don't unplug you from these machines we will never get out of this damn place." I go to grab her arm to take all the things out of her arm but she yanks her hand out of my hand. I look at her confused. She looks at me with confusion and like she just got slapped. I mentally laugh, she must've felt my confusion.
"You haven't felt emotions before?" I huff. The thought of her being with him makes me irritated. The image of her kissing him on the cheek at the runs my blood hot. I take her hand in mine. I look down and the anger I felt is no longer there. She looks at me with a smile. She then let's go of my hand and with anticipation running through her...
"Well get on with it because you got a lot of explaining to do prince charming, because you must got me mistaken with someone else. I already have a soulmate."
"The name's Alex, Valentina." The confusion I feel from her is strong. I mentally laugh today's going to be a long one. I begin to take out all the shit they had in her. She doesn't move. Does she not want to come with me now? Will she call a nurse to get security? I mentally pull at my hair. Remain calm.
"Don't get your panties in a twist Alex. This gown doesn't cover me all the way." I curse myself for reacting like that. She giggles at me and I begin to look in all the drawers around the small room. I come across a closet type thing and find some civil looking clothes.
"Here." I toss them to her and turn around. I feel the weight of her contemplating whether to change with me right here.
"I won't look. I pinky promise." I don't turn to look at her. I feel her give in and I sigh in relief that she gave me a little trust to not be a pervert.
"Ready." She lightly taps me on the shoulder. That alone makes my body ignite with flames. She looks at me with wide eyes. She must feel it too. Of course she does dumbass. I mentally scold myself. I have to fight for control to not pin her to the wall and kiss her.
"Please do not touch the master piece of Alex or I'll have to pin you to the wall and kiss your brains out, yeah?" Her cheeks flush but she smiles and nods. As we walk out into the hall I feel the need to grab her hand. Keep in control Alex. I sigh and turn a right.
"Where are you going? The elevators are this way."
"So are the doctors that want to talk to you and your lover boy." She crosses her arms and smirks at me.
"Jealous of my lover boy?" She spits. I hint the playfulness she tries to hide. Two can play this game. I take long strides to her and grab her arms and pull her in to kiss her. Her eyes flutter close and I can feel her waiting for my kiss. I stop inches from her face and smirk. The energy alone to stop makes me want to just drop and sleep. Her disappoint is clear and I kiss her on the forehead.
"Come on and quit playing games. I'll answer all of your questions once we are out of here." I whine and pout with puppy dog eyes. She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand and drags me. "Oh, bossy aren't we?" I smirk. She turns around and smacks my arm playfully before smiling. The burning of her holding my hand increases but slowing decreases at the same time.

As we near the exit to the parking lot I kiss the top of her head and take lead towards my car.
"Come on run, before we get caught." I tug on her arm gently and she throws her head back laughing. The breeze that blows through her dark brown curls makes her seem younger. She's perfect. As we reach my Jeep, I unlock the doors and she jumps into the passenger seat. I start the car and glance at her running her hands all over my Jeep. She must've noticed me glancing at her when she looks up at me with her eyebrow arch.
"I have always wanted to ride in a Jeep but never knew anyone who had one. Sorry if I'm touching your baby." She huffs out. I smile at her.
"Do as you wish Valentina." She looks at me and continues to look around and touch my Jeep. I admire her curiosity.
As we hit the highway I can't seem to not glance at Valentina. She so goddamm perfect. As we hit highway-51 I see her start nodding off and I can't blame her. I am also glad she hasn't try to question me to death. I give a small chuckle before taking the off-ramp and heading out of town. As I near my place I glance at Valentina in her hospital gown and I nearly have whip lash doing a double look.
"No no no no no no this can't be happening. Why the fuck is this shit happening?" I pull to the side of the road and run my hands across Valentina's face. She doesn't move. She doesn't feel real. "This was real. This was real." I yell while tightly shutting my eyes. When I open them again I jolt with a start and I am back in my room. I look around can't believe this fucking happen. I lay back on my bed wishing to go back to whatever dream or reality that had happen.
Okay so I have been lacking. I am sorry but to the guys and gals that have read this... you guys are amazing and I hope you like where I am going with this. Please! Please! Leave feed back! I truly need it. Anyways, I hope you like...?
Xoxo, Rojas

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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