Chapter 1

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"Honey, it time for breakfast." I woke up to the sound of my mums voice yelling from downstairs. I rolled over and picked up my phone.

2 missed calls

1 text message

Sliding my finger across the screen and tapping the notification at the top of the screen i started reading the text.

From: Mandy

Hey sorry for calling you soearly i just wanted to say good luck with your new school i forgot the time difference oops haha.. well good luck i miss you, talk to you later babe.

Mandy was my best friend from my old school I had to leave her along with my house, school and all my other friends when me and my mum moved here to england. Today is my first day of school and im really feeaking out a little.... ok, alot.

"Honey, you really have to hurry up. You have to be at school in 10 minutes," my mum called again from downstairs. "Coming mum." I replied.

To: Mandy

Thanks that means alot ill call you later i miss you too and I hope all goes well with mike ;)

I sent a quick reply before pushing my blanket down and getting out of bed I walked over to my cupboard and picked out my accid washed skinny jeans, geek crop top tee and low cut white converse.

When I had gotten dressed I walked in the the bathroom and pulled my hair into a messy bun and pulled the side bits out. I walked down stairs and looked at the clock on the wall. My eyes all most popped out of my head when i saw it was already 9:40.

"Mum, its 9:40 why didnt you get me up." I yelled rushing into the kitchen grabbing some cereal out of the box. I turned to see my mum looking at me slightly annoyed. "Just kidding mum." I chuckled giving her a kiss on the cheek then grabbing my Distressed Studded Cross Backpack. "Bye mum." I screamed before exiting the house and jogging down the street.

When I finally got to school ofcourse class had already started and I was left alone in the hallway to try and find my locker. I got my schedual and all my imformation when I came for an interview.


I walked along the corridor reading the locker numbers looking for my own ironically I was no where near my own and was hoping that this would lead me to locker #426.


I stopped reading when i felt myself slam into something hard... or rather someone. I stumbled back and fell to the ground looking up i saw a tall blond boy. And might i add he was hot, very hot.

"Luke." he said as he extended his hand to help me off the ground. "Luke is a hot name." I whispered to myself as he so efortlessly pulled me up, but maybe a little too loud because I heard him chuckle. I instanly facepalmed myself. "Did I just say that out loud?" I asked praying that he didnt hear me.

"Yes, yes you did." he chuckled. "Im sorry, foot in mouth desease." I joked. "Its ok, it is a pretty hot name, but if yours is as hot as you are then your must be pretty damn hot." I bit my lip to try and stop from blushing but it was too late because my cheeks blushed scarlet red. Luke chuckled again and cleared his throat. "oh... im....umm... ashley..yeah...ashley."

Breath. ashley. breath.

I thought to myself taking a deep breath and looking back up at Luke, now realising how close our bodys where I took a step back. "I should probably get to class." I muttered picking up my books and walking off to class before Luke could say anthing about it. It was really hard walking from period one to perid two with all the books I needed that day since I didnt end up finding my locker I was stuck carrying them.

It took me all of lunch to find my locker and put my books in. I turned around taking in my surroundings making sure that i didnt forget where my locker was. It was just around the corner from the caffateria doors because I could hear loud cheers and people talking over other people. It was across from a science room and just next to the janitors closet.

I turned the corner and walked over to the vending maching that was next to the caffateria doors and punched the buttons in for a packet of chips ofcourse the vending machine ate my money and didnt give me my chips. I kicked the machine in frustrations and let out a sigh, I turned around when i heard a deep chuckle.

"What are you laughing at Luke." I hissed in an annoyed tone. "You have to have the right tecnique." he said hitting the side of the machine and macking the chips imediatly fall from their shelf. "uhh... thanks i guess." I muttered taking the chips out of the bottom tray. "You're most welcome." he answered bowing.

"umm...ok... im just gonna go then." I said slightly curious as to why he was talking to me again. "wait where are you going to go?" he asked. "Why are you talking to me?" I blurted out imediatly covering my mouth. He furrowed an eyebrow "What do you mean?" He asked curiously. I let out a sigh and after a couple of minutes I explained. "People like you dont talk to people like me." I said finally.

"And why is that?" Luke asked. I let out a groan of frustration "Just dont worry about it." I said before walking off to my locker again to get my books for my last two periods.

Not suprisinly the rest of the day was extreamly boring. "Have a nice day class, and dont forget about your homework." Mr oconell dismissed the english class. I raised out of my seat and exited the room walking to my locker getting the books I need and packing them into my bag i walk through the main doors to the school and started on my journey home.


"Mum, im home." I yelled as I took my keys out of the lock on the door and slipped them into my pocket I ran up stairs two steps at a time. I walked into my room shut the door behind me, emtied my bag and started on the long list of home work I have thats due tomorrow.

This is going to be a long week.

I thought to myself as i felt my eye lids dropping I am so exhausted.

Just as I finished all my homework I felt my head drop onto the maths text book I had open infront of me.

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