Had a master plan.

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James looked out at the crowd of people in the courtyard. It was a mass of confusion, fear, and whispers, everyone wanting to know what exactly was going on and where the king was.
James took a step forward onto the balcony, and the crowd fell silent. He began to speak.
"As you may know, my father had fallen ill over the past several weeks. After a long, torturous struggle, he has fallen victim to death," he spoke in a monotone voice, deep, dark, and loud, no expression on his face.
"Therefore, I, the sole remaining heir, shall take over the throne and rule the kingdom." No one moved, all was silent save for the quiet sobs of some women in the crowd and the cry of an infant, as though they somehow knew what was going on and what will soon come to pass.
"As my first act as King, I sentence the castle chef to death by guillotine for the murder of my father."
Having said this, James turned around and strode back into his chambers to begin the passing of several new laws as he listened to the screaming and wailing that began after his death sentence. He later watched the execution of the innocent man, and if you looked closely, you could see the slightest hint of a smile on his lips as the man cried innocence and screamed for his life. He ordered that all shall watch the execution, failure to comply being punishable by death. Not a sound was made by the crowd, the shrill cries of the innocent man rang through the courtyard, silenced abruptly by the sharp sound of the falling blade, followed by the gurgling of the man choking on his own blood. The crimson liquid fell from his mouth and the wound on his throat caused by the dull blade. The crowd watched in terrified awe as the man choked on his blood. The blade was heisted and lowered three times in slow secession until the mans head finally fell off, spraying the ground and children unfortunate enough to stray to the front in a warm crimson mist. The ruler simply walked away from the blood staining the pavement a dark, rich copper, and ordered that it not be cleaned.

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