Look Into My Eyes

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"Please, she's just a child!" The woman clutched the young girl to her in fear. "Have mercy your highness, please!"
James looked at them in disgust. It was pathetic, really, how the woman begged at his feet for the child's life, as if she could actually change his mind.
"What's done is done. The child broke the law, and as such must pay for it."
"I assure you it was an accident, it won't happen again my lord! Please, spare the child!"
Suddenly, the doors to the King's hall burst open, and in strode a slightly disheveled Seamus.
"What's going on?" he asked to no one in particular, his voice low and somewhat slurred.
"Please sir she's only a child-" the woman ran to him, grabbing at his garment. In an instant, the guards were  grabbing the woman and dragging her away, though she struggled against them.
"It's alright, you can let her go," Seamus called to them, and they reluctantly released her. "What is the matter, ma'am?"
"The child broke the law. I am merely administrating the punishment that was set for her," King James answered, and Seamus turned to him and bowed, before responding.
"Your highness, what is the child's crime, if I may ask?"
"Destruction of royal property, theft," James replied in a somewhat bored tone.
"What did you do, child?" For the first time since her sentencing, the child in question was prompted to speak by Seamus. The king watched this transaction, and though he said nothing he was internally assessing this new enemy that was Sir Seamus.
"I picked a f-flower from th-the garden'" the child wailed from her spot on the floor in front of the King.
"I see. King James, what would her punishment be for this crime?"
"Imprisonment for 20 years."
"Now your highness, surly that is to strong a sentence for a child who merely picked a flower. She can't be above the age of five. Perhaps you could let her off with a warning?"
"I'm sorry sir Seamus, but that is not the way I run my kingdom. If I let this one go free, then others will commit higher crimes and expect the same treatment. You understand my predicament, do you not? Besides, the family could pay the child's bail and she could go free, they simply refuse too."
Nothing is said after this, and the guards move forward to grab the child. Seamus stands from his spot kneeling on the floor beside the child and walks to the king, dropping a small pouch at his feet.
"What is this?" James asks, and a voice like steel.
"The child's bail. I feel that 20 gold pieces should be sufficient, don't you?" Here Seamus looks the king in the eye, as though challenging him. The king does not break eye contact, and Seamus feels suddenly cold and somewhat hallow, before the king speaks.
"Fine. The child's debt is paid. You are free to go," the kings voice is harsh to Seamus's ears, grating and echoing, as though there are many voices coming from the one. Looking around the chamber, it becomes apparent to Seamus that he is the only one to hear this. The woman breaks from the guards hold and grabs the child before running to Seamus and hugging him. Seamus snaps out of his daze in time to hear the woman thank him and leave.
"You may take your leave, sir, if that was all," the king says to him, and his voice appears to be back to its normal velvety steal tone.
"Yes your highness," Seamus says distractedly, and turns to the door. He is about to leave the room when the king calls to him again.
"One more thing," Seamus freezes mid-step, "I would like to invite you and King Dean to dine with me in two days time." Seamus does not turn around as he replies. "Yes, your highness. I am sure that my king would love to attend." And with having said that, Seamus exited the room and released a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Follow him," King James says to seemingly nothing. "I want you to get all information that can be used against him. I will not tolerate anyone challenging my authority."
The air in the room seemed to crackle, and the lights dimmed. A shadow passed through, and everything was eerily calm.

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