Chapter One: Returning Home

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Dear Journal,

Well it's been three years since I've been back to Mystic Falls, but since I am needed back because my sister Elena can't seem to stay out of trouble I have to go back. I'm on the first flight out to D.C. from London,England I will drive home from there.

London has been my home away from home. I left Mystic Falls because of my sister and, now I'm going back. How ironic! We have been writing back and forth. I found out that my parents died in a car crash two years ago and, Elena and Matt broke up. I knew that was going to happen.

She met and fell in love with some guy named Stefan Salvatore. Me, I've been living with my friend Izzy and her mom in London and, I haven't been able to go home earlier because I needed money. Which I have now. Well the plane is about to take of so bye.


Just as I was putting my diary back into my carry-on a flight attendant came up to me. " Ma'am you need to put that away because the plane is about to take off." I just gave her a dirty look and put my bag in the over head. I can't believe she just called me 'Ma'am' and if the plane wasn't crowded I would've slapped her

Soon after that I fell asleep. Next thing I knew someone was shaking me and, I opened my eyes to see the flight attendant. So I sat up and just looked at her for a second. " Ma'am your flight has landed and we are now in DC. So you should get your things and exit the plane." I got up and grabbed my bag from the over head and left the plan. I was in the airport when my phone rang.

"Hello Elena?" I said with a smirk.

"Where are you?" she asked nervously.

"Well if you must know, I'm at the airport in DC."

"When will you get home? Because we need to talk."

"I should be there in the next day or so. Why?"

"Just wondering. Well I'll see you then. Oh Jer says Hi."

I hung up the phone and walked out of the airport. I yelled for a taxi and went to the nearest car dealer. I bought a 1967 Impala. I know so SPN of me but hey I love that car. I started out towards Mystic Falls,Va. I plugged in my iPod into the stereo and, put on 'Blurred Lines'. It was two hours later when I exited DC and, entered Va. The sun had gone down and there was a full moon out. I was getting tired so I pulled over to a hotel and checked in. I was just about to fall asleep when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked in mid yawn.

"Where are you?" Elena asked worriedly.

"I got tired and, I'm at a hotel about three miles away. Besides I didn't want to kill myself just to get home to see you" I said with some sarcasm.

"Okay well call me before you leave. I should be home tomorrow but I might be at Stefan's. Do you remember the Boarding house?"

"Yes I know where it's at."

"Well then check there if I'm not home okay?"

"Okay but why will you be at the boarding house?"

"Um... Because that's where Stefan lives. Just remember to call me before you leave okay?"

"Okay!" I sighed.

God, she can be so annoying sometimes. She also acts like she's the older one when I'm older by three seconds. I put my phone on the bedside table and drifted off to sleep. The next morning I packed my things and before I headed out to my car I decided to give my sister a call.

"Elena it's me I'm on my way. I'm just leaving the hotel now."

"Hello who is this?" a guy answered.

"Who is this and where is Elena?" I was a bit pissed when she didn't answer.

"This is Stefan and Elena is in the shower. Who is this?" Stefan looked from Elena's bathroom to the phone and then answered after a minute.

"This is Eliana Gilbert. Elena's sister."

"I didn't know that Elena had a sister."

"Yeah well she does. So when she gets out of the shower will you kindly tell her that I'm on my way home. Will she be there or at your house?" I couldn't help the sarcasm that came out of my mouth.

"At my place and yes I'll tell her."

"See you later then." I hung up before he could say anything.

I checked out of the hotel and walked to my car. I put my bag in the back seat and got in. I started the care and 'Call me Maybe' came on the radio. I can't stand that song! So I flipped through the songs until I found the one that I wanted. '22' by TSwift came on and I started to drive to Mystic Falls.

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