Ch.13 Lies

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I didn't sleep well last night because the scene of Salt's confession kept on repeating in my mind. I have no plan of talking to her again, from now on I will treat her like she doesn't exist.

"Ali, Salty was rejected!" I sighed because I already know it since I'm the one who rejected her in the first place.

Once again I sighed before turning around, plastering my fake concerned look.

"That's sad to hear, well it's his loss because he rejected the most awesome girl here in this school. But don't you worry, because I will introduce you to other boys"

Everyone believed me except her, she really looked sad but I don't care. I released her hand and immediately went back to the window area because the sight of her is starting to annoy me.

She made me look like a fool. I'm the one who pushed her to confess but I didn't expect that she was referring to me. Now everyone is curious of the person that rejected her, knowing Missy I'm sure she'll investigate.

Salt immediately went out of the room as soon as the bell rang. I followed her and was relieved when she entered the washroom. I immediately pinned her to the wall when I made sure that no one is inside except the two of us.

"Don't make face and don't look gloomy when I'm around, understood??" I said sternly while glaring at her.

She's about to respond when Missy and the others arrived. We're still in an awkward position, but I'm not bothered.

"Allison, are you having a fight with Salt?" Rosa inquired frowning.

I loosened my grasp on Salt's hands and smiled.

"Of course not, I'm just teaching her the moves, in case she find the right one" I replied before turning my gaze to Salt to back me up but she ignored me.

"Are you trying to ruin my reputation here?! Don't make me do things that will make your life miserable. If I were you, smile and pretend that I am comforting you, now smile" I whispered before moving away from her.

"Your joke is so funny" she said chuckling before slapping my shoulder gently.

"Yeah Rosa you're right, Al is a big help for me. I'm so touched when she told me that there're lots of boys out there who will not laugh at me when I confess and will accept me for who I am"

Al your face! I protested mentally. I released a soft laugh before moving closer to her again for a tight hug.

"Don't call me Al, we're not close" I said sternly. I'm sure we both look stupid right now, but I have to maintain my image.

"Are you sure you're not fighting?" Missy asked suspiciously. She surely knows that we're just both pretending to be close.

"Of course" we replied in unison.

I didn't notice that my hand is still on her back until she hugged me. I flinched when I felt her chest on my back.

"Aww! look at these two Missy, they're like best friends already. Anyway, let's go and eat" Rosa said giggling before heading out along with Missy and everyone.

Bestfriend my ass! I said mentally before slapping Salt's hands away from me.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed in hurt.

"Don't you dare hug me again! I told you to stay away from me and don't talk to me pervert!" I yelled angrily while pointing to her face. I don't like the feeling of her body against mine.

"You're the one who followed me here to threaten me, and pretended to be sweet afterwards whenever there's someone around so don't point your finger at me" she countered.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now